Tuesday, June 14, 2016

And We Have Internet

For the past month, since we've moved and moved and continued to move into the new house, we haven't had internet.  Which is why things have been so quiet around here on the blog.

And the lack of internet certainly wasn't for lack of trying.

From the start we tried to get everything set up immediately, so the internet would be ready to go right away.  But apparently the underground lines in our neighborhood made things more tricky, and there were no cables already in place, so we had to wait until someone came out and marked the other utilities, and then for someone else to come out and put down the cables, and then finally (today) for someone to come out and connect those cables to our house.

But it's done and we're up and running again.

It was also a big day because it we finally made it to the top of the list for the fence builders to come build our fence.  Which just about everyone here is excited about.

I may be more excited about the fence than I am about the internet.

This shows today's progress:

The other thing that made me very, very happy, is that Paul moved, not one, but two couches into our house today after I told him that I desperately needed the couch to be here, like... yesterday (or four weeks ago).

Having hit the 37 1/2 week mark, and having not had a couch, or really anywhere comfortable to sit yet had me pretty ready for the rest of the furniture to come over.  Because the patio chairs and the dining room tables just weren't cutting it.

And the house was still feeling pretty empty, since we had a minimal amount of furniture at our old house and this house is nearly twice as big, the place kind of feels rather echo-y (until tonight).

Yesterday I went to a thrift shop down the road from Maggie's therapy place and came upon the perfect couch for the playroom.  It was not a loud print like most of the couches I've run across at thrift shops lately.  It looked durable.  And when I sat on it I sank into the most comfortable cushion I'd ever reclined upon.

It didn't have a price tag, Paul learned when he inquired, and when they named the price it was less than we'd expected.  I didn't realize how good a deal we'd gotten ($60) until today though, when he unloaded the couch, which is in really good shape without a scratch or mark anywhere on it, and I spotted the name of the company that made it on the bottom and realized that it's a leather Ethan Allen couch (and since I have yet to snap a great picture I'll show you the couch on the Ethan Allen site... it looks like this one.).

Watching the kids play in the new playroom just got a lot more comfortable!

I also found this table near the couch and Paul and I agreed it would be perfect for the new house too.  So it was loaded in the truck with the couch:

Baby is still measuring big.  And so am I.  I've outgrown nearly all my maternity clothes, which makes getting dressed a challenge.  But we're in the home stretch:

Nine months down, fifteen days to go!

And I have so much to share since I haven't been able to write in so long.  But I better sleep now before it's tomorrow.  So I'll leave you with one hint of the surprises and changes to come:

Now to get a little sleep before the kids wake up and let me know that it's already morning!


  1. You look radiant, Cammie! I'm so glad you are all moved in. Prayers and blessings for you and your family! Enjoy your new home!

  2. Hmmmmmm....that looks suspiciously like a Catholic school uniform!! Glad you are doing well and that couch is gorgeous! What a steal for $60!

  3. Glad you're back, Cam. When will you have the new home blessed? (But of course, those in it are already blessed). May God continue to shine His light on you and yours.

  4. That is an awesome couch, I wish I could be so lucky to find one like that. Hooray for a fence, what a peace of mind that will bring.

  5. Very nice couch and table. I love "inexpensive but quality items" finds. I recently found a closeout, never used 30" patio table for $25 (retail $399)!

    I love the fresh clean look of the tiled kitchen table - easy to clean yet looking very bright. But with your growing family, you might need a leaf to insert soon!

    I can't wait to see the completed fence and I'd love to hear your strategy for keeping Maggie from climbing it. (Also, don't know where the gates are, but since she does climb and elope, you might consider a gate the far side so that anyone chasing her can get out quickly.) That far field is awfully inviting!

    Hope all is pretty much in place for when the new baby arrives. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

    ~ Bonnie

  6. Lovely couch. Couches were always my favorite places to rest and sleep in pregnancy. I have a table like that (but square ) in my kitchen. It's great, but I will advise you not to let small people bang mugs or tools on top of the ceramic tiles. (Let's just say we found out the hard way ...) Keep any utensil or dining item plastic for safety's sake.
    You look gorgeous - I hope you and your family welcome your new little one safely and soon!

  7. Glad to hear everything is coming together at the new house for you. You are a patient woman, going that long, being that pregnant, without a comfortable place to sit.
    I am with Beth. That looks like a school uniform...


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