- The first Monday of the month I'll be giving away a Full of Grace Creations bracelet.
- The second Monday of the month I'll be giving away a Full of Grace Creations rosary.
- The third Monday of the month I'll be giving away a set of Full of Grace Creations Sacrifice Beads.
- The fourth Monday of the month I'll be giving away a set of Full of Grace Creations necklace.
- And the fifth Monday of the month (when there is a fifth Monday) will be a surprise!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Full of Grace Creations Monday Morning Weekly Giveaway #1
Thomist Speaks..
Reading your posts is a good exercise in abnormal psychology.
First, we read that you think children should never be slandered.
Second, we read that in this particular case of the Haney child it is allowable because other children, at a school in which the Haney child no longer attends, "say" she is talking disparagingly about their school.
Third, you then proceed to hold the minor as more morally culpable than the adult. Keep in mind that you have only hearsay for information on the child and photographic evidence for the adult. Furthermore, you disregard the fact that one is a child and the other is AN ADULT.
Fourthly, you then sympathize with this adult who is drawing negative attention to herself by attacking children. You begin to claim that others who just happen to be holding her responsible for what in truth is morally repugnant and evil are violating her first amendment rights. I am glad to see that relativism is alive and well in Trinity County. Common sense on the other hand seems to be taking a back seat to the afore mentioned relativism.
Anonymous, most people would look at this woman who slanders children by car propaganda and see her as a complete psycho. This psychopath then wonders why people stop to look at her. Perhaps she even wonders why others might take pictures of this freak-show. Instead of realizing this woman for what she is, either A. crazy or B. evil; you have raised her up to be some sort of political martyr.
If you want the "stupid chatter" to end I recommend being quite. Look at what is being said by both candidates and their supporters. If a maniac who paints political messages all over her car can convince you to muddy the clear waters perhaps democracy is too complicated for you. Now open your eyes and stop being dense.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 6:22 PM
Weekly Baby Weight Loss Update!
I dug up this picture to help motivate myself. Here I am near my goal weight (back in the day before I had discovered cute little white Church sweaters!)! That is still my favorite dress though!
Maybe I'll try to bump it up to an hour each night on the exercise bike. I did it once this week. But even with netflicks I just get bored!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A Response to a ComBox Comment
Is that to imply that you sent a second comment that I didn't post (not true!) or that your second comment would be so crass that I wouldn't post it? You're right if it's the second. If you post again, making denigrating comments about a young person, I won't post it. If you want to act like a grown up, I will.
It's not surprising that you don't appreciate the irony of your first comment. I write a post about adults gossiping about kids. And you post back saying basically that she "deserved" to be gossiped about. That's the kind of attitude that produces today's bullies. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the parent of one of the lovely children that probably made life so pleasant at that school for so many others. After all the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree.
If only parents would act like parents! Being 16 is hard enough without adults trapped in a state of perpetual adolescence making it worse!
A Quick Note
The Trinity County Sheriff's Race: Why it's So Important
I'll begin with a little background: Our county has a very serious drug problem. In this case I’m not referring to the rampant over-written prescription problem that exists. No, that is a far lesser problem when compared with the large scale marijuana production that goes on in a little, tragic corner of our county called "Trinity Pines." Trinity Pines is a large subdivision that is "off the grid."
Dave Cox Campaign Rolls On with Intimidation Tactics
Sadie Frown of the Year: An Attempted Break-In...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Bruce Haney and Dave Cox: The Trinity County Sheriff's Race Saga Continues
Diamond Earring Giveaway Winner!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Adventures in Coupons: $221.58 for a $11.86 gain!
A Beautiful Pumpkin Bread Pan
I have four new pumpkin bread recipes to try out (I've been on a banana bread spree, and I was planning on baking tea bread next, but this pan may bump pumpkin bread into the next baking slot), so hopefully I'll have some beautiful pumpkin bread pictures soon!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hospital Trips and Surgery
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Electricity and Taxes...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cloth Diaper Cover Favorite: The Wonder Wrap!
I'm not really a Bummi's or a Thirsties fan. We just had a more leaks with those brands (although they have a lot of cute patterns and colors, so I really wanted them to work out!) and Maggie has already, at the ripe old age of 2 and a half months, grown out of the size 1's.
The Over Population Myth
Outfit of the Week
A New Full of Grace Creation: Sacrifice Bracelets
This one has a Saint Gerard medal, but I'll probably make most of the ones I post with a Miraculous medal or a tiny crucifix. Of course you can always request any of my bracelets or necklaces with the saint of your choice! So far Saint Gerard has been the most popular!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Oh Sweetie....
Four Years Ago Today...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Giveaway from DiamondEarrings.org
Sewing Project of the Week: Denim Wrap Skirt
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Diamond Earring Giveaway and Review Coming Soon!
"Are You Done Now?"
The Piggy Bank: Saving Before Spending
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Farmer's Market and My New Eggplant Spaghetti and Garlic Bread Recipes
The Family Rosary: Back to Stay!
Tonight we reinstated the family rosary in our home.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Bruce Haney for Trinity County Sheriff
And here's my favorite picture from the morning: Bruce receiving an award from the National Guard for being a great employer who supports the guardsman who works for him.