Friday, July 31, 2009
Beautiful Curls!

Surviving Mass with a Toddler

In the beginning Sadie slept through Mass. Occasionally she would wake and want to nurse and I would fumble with the nursing cover until she was happily slurping away. When she got older, but was very definitely still a baby, she would sit on my lap and watch everything that was going on around her with wide eyes. Then something happened. Our chubby, quiet baby transformed into a squirming, wriggly toddler. She wants to talk, laugh, climb, chew (on the pews), and run. Sitting on Daddy or Mommy’s lap for an extended period of time is no longer on her list of favorite things to do. I had hoped that since we were going every single Sunday since she was eight days old, she would just learn to be quiet and it would all happen naturally. I was very naive.
Church Shoes-
The Tactic: I read about this idea on a few different websites and thought that we would give it a try with Sadie. The idea is that you have special dress shoes that your child only wears on special occasions. Because the shoes are only for special occasions, the child learns that they need to be on their best behavior when the shoes are on their feet.
How it Has Worked: I think that Sadie is still little to really understand that it’s serious time when the shoes are on her feet. But I think it’s a good habit to get into and I think it could work later on. So far Sadie spends a good portion of Mass working on getting her Church Shoes off of her little feet. At least it keeps her busy for a while!
Religious Books-
The Tactic: Okay, this one’s pretty clear. I don’t really want to bring a bunch of toys into Mass so that Sadie can play, because I think that she needs to learn early on that it’s a very important time and that something very important is going on. So we limit what we bring to a couple of her religious board books (usually We Go to Mass and either her Mary book or her Guardian Angels book) and a couple other appropriate toys (see next section).
How it Has Worked: Sadie loves her Board Books. We went to Mass this morning and she spent a solid ten minutes sitting on my lap turning the pages of her We Go to Mass Book. She would close it and reopen it and go through the entire thing over and over again. Then she went through it pointing out the priest on every single page. It doesn’t keep her busy for the entire Mass, but it definitely can keep her occupied for a while, and the pictures in the book show match what’s going on in the Church.
Rosary and Veil-
The Tactic: Another straight forward idea for keeping little hands busy at Mass. We bring her rosary, along with the board books and veil and keep them in her bag (she usually wears a hat during Mass, or at least for part of it).
How it Has Worked: When she starts to get fussy I pull them out, one at a time (sometimes I take the books out before Mass and put them next to the hymnals so that she grabs at them instead of the hymnals and missals) and hand them to her. When she was smaller the rosary would keep her busy for quite a long time. These days she’s more taken with her veil. She can almost put it on by herself or she wraps it around her shoulders like a little shawl.
Having Daddy Hold Her-
The Tactic: Paul holds her. I like this tactic the best. Now that he’s holding her more often I actually get to experience a bit more, instead of being on the verge of pulling my hair out the entire time!
How it Has Worked: She doesn’t struggle with him as much as she does with me. It doesn’t usually work for the entire time, but she does tend to sit more quietly when she’s with him. Today I also put her down on the pew next to me. She thought that this was hilariously funny and sat still, with a huge smile on her face, for about two minutes (that’s a long time to sit still when your thirteen months old)… then she started to squeal and tried to climb over the back of the pew to visit with one of our friends who was about five rows back, on the opposite side of the church.
What We Haven’t Tried-
We don’t bring snacks or drinks to Mass. It’s only an hour and I don’t want her to get into the habit of needing, or expecting snacks. Sometimes she does bring a doll (if she’s holding it when we leave the house and then carries it in), but other than that we try to limit toys, because it’s not play-time.
If anyone else has any suggestions of things that have worked for their families or friends, we’re definitely open to new ideas. What works seems to change on a daily basis!
A Hot Busy, Mountain Lion Infested Week
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Puddy the Tiger

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sadie's Trip to the Zoo
At the Zoo we saw monkeys and bears (it’s a pretty small zoo) and pink flamingos. The funniest thing though was a big white turkey that fell in love with Sadie’s stroller (we think that it has probably learned that food tends to fall from strollers) and followed us for about half an hour. We had to watch Sadie because after gently petting the turkey a few times she started to be less gentle. She didn’t seem to realize that the turkey was quite a bit bigger than her, although she definitely had him in weight.
Sadie also showed that she won’t be influenced by Mommy or Daddy when she got to pick a stuffed animal at the Zoo Gift Shop. We picked out three stuffed cats, a bobcat (that I liked the best), a white tiger (that Paul liked the best) and an orange tiger that I put in just for the heck of it. She immediately picked the orange tiger. “Don’t you like this one?” I asked, pointing to the bobcat. “Or this one?” Paul said. Sadie turned her head away and clung to the orange tiger. Until we paid for it. She hasn’t had anything to do with it since then. I think she was only after his tag! We’ve learned that it’s the best part of every single toy.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Finding Things to Do on a Hot Day!

When Are You Going Back To Work?

Monday, July 27, 2009
Wash Clothes and Bath Time: The Coolest Thing in the World

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses....

Sunday, July 26, 2009
We Need Sleep!

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Is Daddy on the Phone?
Feeling Better and Flinging Sippy Cups

Universal Health Care

Back on Antibiotics
Friday, July 24, 2009
A Double Ear Infection
One Sick Baby
One Sick Little Bunny
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
More Progress on Words in the Middle of a Hot Week

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Words, Words and More Words

Sadie and Her Chapel Veil

What I Wish I Could Erase

Monday, July 20, 2009
Pasta Salad with Tuna and Sweet Corn
A Flash of Bareness

Sunday, July 19, 2009
We're Home! Again!
After a long day of driving we are finally home! Sadie is playing with Paul, because after a couple of nine o’clock nights she has come to believe that that is her bedtime (it’s not!). The reunion was a lot of fun, but the days were also very long! We got to SMC at 8:30 and we ended up going home after the reunion Mass Saturday night before meeting up again with Danny and Michelle for dinner at our hotel. That meant we finally got back to our room at nine o’clock, making it a 12+ hour day. That’s a long time to be away from hotel or home with only a diaper bag, especially in 97 degree heat.
The reunion committee sent us an email on Thursday claiming that the high for the weekend was supposed to be 82 degrees. As we were walking out the door Grumpa checked on his computer and the forecast was 97. Grumpa’s forecast (unfortunately) turned out to be the right one.
Sadie finally got to meet Rosy, one of my best buddies from college, who was deployed to Iraq about a half a year before Sadie was born. After just under a year and a half deployed she is back it was great to see her! Sadie also got to see both Rosy and Michelle jump in the pool fully clothed. It really was that hot!
Now it’s off to get Sadie ready for bed. Maybe we can get that bedtime back to normal! I'll post some of the numerous pictures that we took tomorrow!
Friday, July 17, 2009
...Why I'm Thankful for My Alma Mater

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Teddy's Alive!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My Baby Can Read (kind of)

My Baby Can Read (or at least point!)

The Ephesians Foot

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Growing Up in the Country
Post Card Souvenir Story Book

Monday, July 13, 2009
The Odd Couple: Puddy and Sadie

My Favorite Appetizer Recipe

Sunday, July 12, 2009
So Many Words
Home Sweet Home: Welcome to the Cabin

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sadie the Sponge

Catholic Books for Little Hands

Friday, July 10, 2009
A Busy Day

School Already?

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Our Vacation to Massachusetts!

Flying the Not So Friendly Skies...
I am so angry right now! We just got home from a trip and a seat had been purchased for my one year old daughter so I wouldn't have to hold her the entire time, from Boston to Houston and then Houston to Sacramento. We had reserved seats when we booked the tickets, but when we changed days I guess the seat reservation got lost.
However, we arrived at the airport three hours early. On our way there I checked to make sure we were all seated together, but on the way back I was so busy juggling the baby, the stroller and all the bags that I didn't glance at the tickets until we were on the plane. At that point I found that my one year old daughter had been seated several rows away from me. For this leg I begged the man who had the seat to switch with me (I figured who would want to sit by a one year old anyway?) and while the woman he was traveling with was angry (and rude) he agreed to let me have the seat and he took my seat.
We got to Houston two hours before the connecting flight and I went straight up to the desk and asked for help. The woman there said she couldn't help me and passed me along to another person. About eight representatives later I got a number for Continental and called them.
I was told that it was not there responsibility to ensure that I was seated with my daughter and that of course they wouldn't call the passenger in the row with my daughter up to ask them to switch seats, because that would inconvenience the other customer and I couldn't seriously ask them to do that. I explained that she was a baby and still breastfeeding and they apologized but said that it simply wasn't there problem. I was in tears at this point.
I told them that I would never fly Continental again. When we got on the flight I stood next to my baby until the passenger whose seat I was in arrived and he agreed to change with me. It was just so much drama for something that seemed like it should be easy! If you buy a ticket with a baby you should be seated with that baby! And at least in my mind that should definitely be part of the airline's responsibility!
If your a mom with a baby I would seriously consider another airline!