The scares began shortly after we found out that I was pregnant. I started having sharp pains. Not like the ligament pains that I've had in the past during the first trimester. I described them to the doctor as "it's-time-to-go-to-the-hospital-to-have-this-baby-type contractions." They'd last for over a minute at a time and made it difficult to stand, much less walk. I discovered after a few days of this that if I drank a ridiculous amount of water they were greatly lessened, although when I went for a checkup she said that they were probably from nursing, and since we're not weaning Mae yet (we're planning on tandem nursing since Mae's only going to be 18 months when the baby's born) they're likely to continue (she didn't seemed concerned, so I'm feeling much better about it!).
I have been getting them much less frequently, they're much less intense, and they usually do come after a marathon nursing session (like last night when Mae took a couple of hours to go to sleep and kept screaming if she wasn't nursing... I will admit that I don't enjoy bedtime between the 10-12 month marks!). That was our initial scare this time around!
The contractions added to my desire to wait as long as possible to announce the pregnancy to the whole world! I've always thought, next time I'll wait until twelve weeks before we make the announcement, but so far, I've never made it past the middle of the first trimester. And this time the reason was fairly obvious. I felt like I had a baby bump five minutes after taking the pregnancy test. One week I was looking in the mirror thinking, "My waist is starting to go back!" and the next week I was looking in the mirror thinking: "baby bump!" The muscles just seem to remember what to do and instantly relaxed as the pregnancy hormones hit my body. It's like an insta-bump!
While the insta-bump has appeared, and I'm eating like a crazy person (between nursing and this baby I'm almost constantly hungry) I was surprised to step on the scale and discover I've lost betwen 5 and 10 lbs depending on the time of day when I weigh in. I always kind of roll my eyes when I see doctor's on TV who say "you only need to eat an extra apple a day to get the extra calories when you're pregnant." Pregnancy metabolism (for me at least) is a little crazy (I am kind of enjoying it at the moment!). And I do kind of wish my metabolism was like this when I wasn't pregnant!
The best part of this pregnancy has been the notable lack of morning sickness. With Sadie the morning sickness lasted from somewhere around 6 weeks to 12 weeks and was severe. With Mae it started at around 4 weeks and went to around 12 weeks but was much milder than the first time around. This time I've had a few bouts of mild nausea in the morning and one day of being sick, but that was pretty much it (and I'm hoping it stays that way!!!). If I get hungry the nausea will begin to come back, so I'm keeping snacks around to munch on and keep the morning sickness at bay and this time it seems to be working.
The lack of morning sickness leads to speculation on all sides of whether it's a boy or a girl! And I love hearing different theories because guessing what this little one is going to be like is one of my favorite pass times at the moment.
And that is the rather long pregnancy update! The picture above is actually from last week (7 weeks)!