Wednesday, August 1, 2018

It Made My Life Easier

As you guys know if you've been around here long I don't do a ton of product reviews (and that isn't about to change) but every once in a while I find a company and a product that makes my life easy enough that I really want to share it with you. 

Before I received a Hie Changing Pod to review I'd been a fan of the company on social media and watched videos of their diapers bags and changing pods and so I jumped at the chance to try out one of the Changing Pods and see how it worked. 

And for the last month I gave it a rather strenuous workout. It went everywhere outside the house with me. 

And it was perfect. As someone who doesn't love carrying a huge diaper bag with me, it became a lifesaver, living in the car, waiting to be strapped to the handle bars of the stroller with everything I needed for emergency diaper changes. 

I knew it always with me with everything that I needed, and it even had enough room for an extra outfit for Tess. 

So I am definitely a fan. 

And I have never had so much making a review video, probably because it involved a lot of running around with Tessie and Tessie awfully cute and when we were making this video she was being pretty giggly! 


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