Saturday, December 23, 2017

Her Favorite Things: Equine Therapy

A couple of months ago I shared a picture of Maggie during her hippotherapy class.  At that time she was riding in front of her therapist.  

After a few months she began riding on her own.  

It very quickly became on her favorite things.  

She no longer needs to ride with someone behind her.

She's looking so grown up:

And she adores Jack, the horse that she rides.

She was also very excited when Tess got to join her.  Can you believe that tiny person is Tess at her first therapy session:

1 comment:

  1. Love how happy they look. I am blessed to have found my Bill the Pony, he has the disposition and patience of a therapy horse, at 13 hands 1 inch. It is healthy for everyone involved. Do they get to do any grooming when they are older/larger? Brushing a pony is awesome!


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