Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Her Hair

It was bound to happen, sooner or later, but maybe she had lulled me into complacency.  

I had begun to believe that it would never happen to us.  At least not with her.  Maybe with Tessie, if I was careless.  But we were past the danger with Maggie. 

So I thought.

That morning, as I brushed her hair, I thought to myself how lovely it was, now that it could finally be kept long and clean and brushed.

I'm pretty sure that that was some sort of dramatic foreshadowing for what was coming next.

Sigh.  We went and saw Santa.

I powered through and made it to Mass for the first and only time in a month and a half (sitting in a separate room away from any and all people in case I am contagious).

And we got home and had lunch and the kids scattered to different parts of the house to play.

Here's what happened next, unbeknownst to us.

Maggie moved a large heavy chair and climbed up on a doorframe and got down a long nail, that had one end filed down.  She used it to pick the lock of the door to Sadie's room.

Yes, she picked the lock, quickly and expertly (because of course she did).

Then she went inside and found Sadie's school scissors and did what we all would have expected her to do.  Then she went back upstairs.

She didn't look different at first.  Only one strand of hair fell off in the beginning.

Sadie found it and brought it to me.  I picked up a brush and started to brush Maggie's hair, fearing the worst, but hoping for the best.

And gigantic pieces began to fall away.  Here and there and everywhere.

I went and found my scissors and began to do damage control.

And then I came back and evened it out a bit more.  It was truly a mess.

It is easier to manage now.

But wow.

I feel like I should have seen this coming.... the moment that I thought, "her hair certainly looks lovely..."


  1. Her hair looks cute. Good damage control! I once ended up doing a pixie on my oldest daughter after she talked her brother into giving her a hair cut. There wasn’t much left.

    1. Thank you! It's so hard to cut her hair because she isn't still and it's always getting shorter and shorter as I try to get it more even (although these days she's much stiller than she used to be). My mistake this time was trying to do it with her seated and not in a mirror for the first part. Once she was looking in a mirror she was totally still... although parts she cut so very short that it would have been very short no matter what!

  2. What is it about our girls on the spectrum and scissors?? And hair among other things.... yep, I'm familiar with those rescue cuts.

  3. True story - my daughter has a severe reactions to Singulair, it makes her psychotic in the true, go-to-a-mental-hospital-because "voices tell you to kill yourself" sense of the word. Part of her going rapidly nutso after starting that medicine involved her hair. She had hair just down past her shoulders, and as it grows glacially slowly that was a big accomplishment. In the 8th grade, a time when teachers aren't watching the scissors like a hawk, she snuck a pair and went to the restroom. And chopped off inches of her hair - to about chin length and even shorter. I stopped by the school to pick her up for lunch as an unexpected treat, plus she had been acting strangely so I wanted to check in. She walked around the corner, saw me and grabbed her hair as though she could hide it. Needless to say I DID see it and was speechless for a bit! And scissors became very very guarded in the classroom..... she was never again trusted out of the teacher's sight! LOL! That wasn't her first round of hair-cutting by far, but it was the worst and thankfully the last. She still gets tempted though...

  4. She does look sweet. Parenting is such a losing battle sometimes - you think you have something safe and under control and then the kids manage to find the one way to get around it! (My kids have never actually picked any locks though - your daughter is just too cunning!)
    We have to keep rearranging our kitchen shelves. My daughter with DS delights in getting her own food whenever she wants. And so tempting stuff moves up and up - and then we have to put the step stool away because she figured that out, and then she broke the cabinet with the lock on it, ... I feel for you!


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