Sunday, April 26, 2015

WIWS: Last Weekend in April Edition

One of the first things I said when I woke up this morning was "So how about one of us go to the 11 o'clock Mass and one of us go to the 5:30 Mass?" because I just wasn't up for a week like last week.  Paul, also likely remembering last weeks antics and probably hoping to actually receive this week, agreed immediately.  

And so I took Sadie to the eleven o'clock Mass and it was just as peacefully wonderful as I imagined it would be.  

Now for the What I Wore Sunday portion of this post (for more head over to Fine Linen and Purple).  
Today I wore one of my favorite Thred Up dresses (it's always best to wear silk when nobody is going to be spitting up or wiping their faces on my dress), with a leather jacket that belonged to my grandmother, one of my eternity veils (there's a tutorial if you ever want to make your own), and some snow boots since we were walking to Mass and I didn't want to walk in heels, there an home.  

Here's the dress minus the jacket:

It was a little windy when Paul snapped the photos for this post:

Sadie actually wore one of my pink eternity veils all through Mass.  She wore it with a jacket that used to be mine and one of her favorite dresses:

While these three stayed home with Daddy:

Moments before I took this picture she leaned over and poked an actual bumble bee with her finger.
It didn't sting her.

For more WIWS head over to FLAP!

1 comment:

  1. I love your outfit! I haven't seen colored veils before - they are gorgeous. And yes, Mass with just one can be so refreshing.


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