When we got home Sadie was in the middle of the living room playing peek-a-boo with Nani and laughing hysterically. When she pulled her bear snuggle blanket down and saw that I was there she really got wild. Then she remembered that I had been gone and got a little bit fussy. But I think we can say that the day was a success.
I was thinking about New Years Resolutions today and I have one. Mine is (so typical) to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained 42 lbs when I was pregnant with Sadie. I tell myself that those books that say you should gain 20-25 lbs are for women who have 5 lb babies, not an almost-ten-pounder. I've lost 30lbs. 12lbs to go!
Here are Sadie's Resolutions:
1) Catch Pumpkin. Then Catch Delilah. She's not sure she wants to catch Sammy. Sammy gives her mean looks.
2) Continue to wrap Daddy around her little finger.
3) Learn to walk so she can chase after the cats.
4) Eat Grown Up Food. Convince Mom she's allergic to Peas.
5) Catch Pumpkin and kiss her nose.
6) Bite Delilah's tail.
7) Figure out how to escape from the crib so she can toddle over to the bed.
Poor Pumpkin. It's only a matter of time...
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