Sadie almost slept through the night last night (and by almost I mean she fell asleep at 8 and only woke up once!). I still woke up three or four times to check on her and to make sure that we hadn't overslept.
We went to Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St Joseph in San Jose before heading home. It felt like one of the longest hours of my life because Sadie, who is normally very good in church turned into a tiny octopus who was desperate to escape. It began when the baby, who had hardly coughed in two days, heard me cough twice just before we walked into the church. She laughed and copied me.
The moment we sat down in the very quiet cathedral, she started to cough. What started out as a little fake cough turned into a real cough when she swallowed wrong, because of the fake coughing. After about a minute of coughing the little old man who was sitting a few rows in front of us turned around and glared. I started to imagine that the people around us were asking themselves "what kind of mother would bring her sick baby to church?" I suggested to Paul we that we move to the very back row and tried to jiggle Sadie even more so that coughing didn't seem like quite as much fun.

After Mass we met Kehli in Sunnyvale for breakfast at Denny's (the waitress recognized Sadie from yesterday and called her "my baby") which is now Sadie's favorite restaurant, probably because it always seems to be full of babies and people who are fun to watch. Then we said a very sad goodbye to Kehli who is moving back to Montana (that's the picture at the top of the page) and headed North.
It was another big day. She should sleep well tonight!
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