Thursday, March 19, 2009

Falling in Love with Books

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for the ocean with Grumpa and Nani and Nini and Gigi.  Hopefully we will be able to find someplace with internet access near where we are staying, but my blog may be on hold for a little while until we get back (on Monday afternoon).  

Sadie has finally (and quite suddenly) fallen in love with reading.  She resisted for months, mostly because she couldn't turn the pages herself, even the big, thick, board book pages and so every time she even looked at a book she would get a furious little look on her face.  

A few weeks ago Nani found the Begin Smart books at Barnes and Nobles, which has specific age groups listed at the top of each book.  We picked out a couple of the 0-6 month books and a few 6-12 months books.  

It was love at first sight.  The books have really simple pictures and the books that are for babies that are under a year old also have very simple language (like on or two words on a page at a time.  Sadie's is coordinated enough now to turn the pages by herself when she looks at the pictures on her own, which is probably also part of the reason that she is less frustrated.  

She is still watching My Baby Can Read daily and she's big enough now that she sits up straight in the middle of the living room and watches the twenty minute program, which gives me a little bit of time to write.  It's hard to tell if it's working, but the program says not to worry if you don't see results before 18 months, so we may have another 9 months to wait and see.  Even if she isn't learning to words just yet, she certainly loves staring at the clips of animals and listening to the songs.  And I'm just happy that she finally sits on my lap and lets me read to her.  

She even smiles at the pictures now.  

Sadie's Favorite Books of the Day is

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