These are Sadie's Favorite Bedtime Books. Time for Bed is her absolute favorite (and I think it may be her favorite book in the entire world too!). We read this to her before her bath every night and she squeals, usually when she sees the picture of the deer and the kitty. She also insists on kissing the baby on the last page before we put the book down for the night.
This is my favorite bed time book! I love the rhyming story! Sadie gets a little bit impatient with it, but she likes it when I do the animal sounds. Sometimes I throw in extra animal sounds to keep Sadie interested.
Sadie's Good Night Boston was what we were reading the night that Sadie decided that she longer hated books (the pages had her a little bit frustrated up until that point).
And last, but not least, Goodnight Moon. The classic bedtime book. Although it does have one strike against it. It reminds me just a little too much of The Runaway Bunny, which always made me cry when I was little (because the bunny is running away!).
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