Tuesday, May 25, 2010

33 Weeks!

Sadie gives Maggie kisses every day! She's so quick though that it's hard to catch her on camera. On Sunday Paul snapped this picture.

Maggie is almost too big for my maternity shirts! I have four that I think are big enough to make it, but anything without giant amounts of elastic just isn't going to cut it for much longer! And we're talking about Large maternity shirts here!

Soon I will begin raiding Paul's closet... Unfortunately I have yet to find anything there that is appropriate for me to wear to Mass... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that those shirts last for seven more weeks!


  1. Finding things to wear to Mass in the final weeks is always the toughest part for me, too! I generally just end up with one thing that I can squeak by with by the last month.

    I found this tutorial for repurposing a shirt for maternity and have been hanging on to it. It looks really easy and I'm sure you could do it since you've made so much for Sadie already. And you can use as much bottom shirt fabric and elastic as you need for your growing belly. http://soulfulhuesknits.blogspot.com/2008/09/easy-repurposed-maternity-shirt.html
    Here's another that she did that has a cute tiered bottom of the shirt. Her t-shirts are a bit too tight for my tastes but the beauty of it is that we get to use what we have in our own drawers instead of hers:).
    I also found one that converts a man's button down shirt to a cute maternity shirt (in case dear hubby has any shirts he no longer wears!). I don't know if it would be big enough. Probably depends on the size of the shirt.
    Not perfect Mass clothes but I think they could be made to work with the right colors. I was actually thinking of using using an old skirt as the bottom fabric for the first tutorial. It has lots of fabric and is on it's last legs so it's time to repurpose it! The fabric is still really pretty and would make a dressier shirt.

  2. You may want to alter your shirts by putting in gussets with a knit material. You can make the gussets triangular and place them strategically so they don't look odd. Have the point of the triangle start at the bottom of your bust and have the flare go over your belly. Try it on a shirt you don't mind losing if you mess up.

    Or you might want to try this website I found on altering your clothing for maternity wear: http://www.luvinthemommyhood.com/2010/03/maternity-sewing-tutorial-roundup.html

    Hope this is helpful.

  3. Awww.. and I love the ideas on how to help with that you're getting.

  4. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_sq_top?ie=UTF8&keywords=kaftan&index=blended&pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000WQOFYO&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0MFYZ4A5ES5ZSZD4FP4A


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