Sunday, August 22, 2010

Constant Vigilance

Life with a toddler and a newborn= Constant Vigilance...

I now find myself saying things I've never said before like: "No... You cannot touch your sister's eyeball... I'm serious... Stop... Stop trying to touch her eyeball!"

Before Maggie was born a friend told me that living with a toddler and a baby could be like living with a gorilla and a tiny kitten... where the gorilla was constantly finding ways to try to kill the kitten...

I can definitely understand that now!

Sadie loves her little sister and is always trying to hug her and kiss her and scoop her up out of my arms. She just hasn't gotten the "gentle" part down yet. At least not consistently...

I do look forward (eagerly) to the day when she understands it consistently...


  1. Oh, just wait until the youngest begins walking/running/climbing. Your world will get even MORE interesting! :-)

  2. Aww.. that sounds so familiar lol. Today I told Kalila not to pick Zavier's nose. Not quite as scary as the eye, but ewwwwe! LOL Overabundance of love (if there is a such thing) isn't a bad thing, but it makes life interesting and a little scary for a bit. I'm glad Kalila loves her brother, but...


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