Friday, August 6, 2010!

I just discovered a new site and had to share. has books, t-shirts, literature and DVDs that really are free! After seeing so many sites that claim to giveaway "free" items and then being surprised by an astronomical "shipping" price I was pleasantly surprised when I selected a couple books and t-shirts and made my way through the checkout process without being asked for a credit card. While I haven't received my order yet (as I just placed it) it really does look like the stuff on Pro Life Freebies really is free!

I just wish I'd discovered this shirt while I was still pregnant!

And of course I was really excited about this book (a free book by Peter Kreeft! Yay!)

Now I really need to get some sleep! What a busy day! Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less crazy. However at least I can now say I'm up to 28 freezer meals! I almost have an entire month (although eight of those meals are my favorite bulgur chicken recipe...).

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome resource. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to order a few things. :)


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