Friday, June 17, 2011

Father Corapi Update

This makes me very sad.

May Saint Gerard of Majella pray for him.

I've updated the update with a few of my thoughts here.


  1. It also made me sad. Sad and conflicted. I dislike the possibility of injustice, corruption, or personal agendas existing anywhere within our Church. Also, I am not quite sure how I feel about Fr. Corapi's decision to keep going with a personal "preaching" ministry as a suspended priest. How is that supposed to correspond with obedience and humility? I don't know.

    St. John Vianney and St. Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for him and for our bishops!


  2. How incredibly sad is that. Makes me wonder what is happening to our church.

  3. How sad for the Church and for the world. I admire his wisdom to know when to say 'enough is enough' and while I disagree with the outcome, I also admire his decision not to fight what sounds like a corrupt system. I applaud his decision to continue teaching. He has valuable insights and experiences. There are many powerful people who continue to win souls for Christ; John Corapi will most certainly be one of them. He is voluntarily stepping down; he is not being told to leave the priesthood. I subscribed to the blog immediately as I can learn much from him. May God continue to bless him and keep him. May he continue to win over people's hearts to Jesus.

  4. I still want to kick the Bishop of Corpus Christi in the balls.


  5. The whole situation breaks my heart. I personally know several people who've come back to the church due in part to Fr. Corapi's ministry.

    Thank you for passing this link on to us.


  6. This is a very sad turn of events - for everyone involved. May God show him a bright new path!

  7. Sorry,i didn't understand from that link what the issue is.
    Can you please fll me in on whats going on regarding this Father?

  8. Hi Curious-

    Here's the link where he explains the accusations:

  9. I like Paul's comment. Simple and direct. :D

  10. Hi Cam,
    I hope he gets a fair hearing.Everyone deserves that.

  11. Me, too. He played such an pivotal role in my conversion. This whole thing is just so tragic and kind of surreal. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up to find that it was all just a bad nightmare.

  12. We should be very careful not to speak badly about bishops. They deserve our respect (for that matter any priest deserves our respect) and they need our prayers.

  13. And occasionally, some need a kick in the balls.

  14. Please check out Michael Voris at the Vortex on youtube. His response to this is right on the target.


  15. He almost looked demonic with that dyed black beard and lost of almonst 100 pounds!

  16. Thankfully we aren't judged "holy" by our appearances... might want to work a bit at charity, anonymous.

    Or maybe that was just a really good effort at trolling...

  17. Please keep the faith... whatever the truth be told ... We must all realize that everyone on earth is flawed to an extent ... but we must all strive to stay close to our Lord .... That shall never falter...


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