Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Least Favorite Word...

5 Years of Grad School Down...
1 to Go...
I think I can...
I think I can...
I think I can...
And I'm not even the one
taking classes....
When Paul hears the word "extension" it's a sign that one of his professors is allowing a class a little more time to work on a paper.

When I hear the word "extension" it's a near occasion of sin.  My eyes tear up.  My lip might tremble.  I'll plop down on the couch as if all the bones in my body have turned to mush and I can't control my suddenly jello noddle limbs. The words "it's not fair" are likely to come tumbling out of my mouth while I fantasize briefly about telling the generous professor exactly how my week and all it's plans of having a husband again who's actually at home and not at the law library are dashed into teeny tiny pieces and it's all ruined... all ruined.. especially my weekend because nothing will be done now and there is, as you've just witnessed in the previous paragraph, much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

That's what happened when I found out that the paper due Friday had been extended to Monday.  My eyes had been firmly fixed on Friday, when one paper would be done and there would be two classes to go and when I heard that the paper would have two more days of sucking the time out of my weekend I did not take it well.

But it's almost here now.  A month and a half of summer without classes.  I will reorganize my basement and the upstairs and the kitchen.  I will put things up on blocks so that they're above the basement high water mark so that next time it rains and the water table rises up into my basement nothing will get wet.  I have plans.  Big plans.

And whatever it is that's due next week... be it test or paper (see I can't even remember now... it's all a jumble)... it better not ever be associated with the word "extension..."  I don't think my sanity could take it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...I can absolutely relate to this post!! My husband just finished his 4th year of grad school (2-3 to go) and I HATE extensions as much as you do. Everything you describe...I've felt, too!!! Glad to know I'm not the only wife who goes crazy over her grad student husband's deadlines!!!


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