Thursday, July 18, 2013

Theme Thursday: Bright

Since I have yet to catch a spectacular firefly picture (I am resigned... it's just not going to happen with this camera...) I needed a non-firefly related idea for today's picture.  So I picked one of Sadie's favorite subjects... the "evening sky..."

Fore more Theme Thursday head over to Clan Donaldson!


  1. I love sky pictures. Always so pretty no matter what.

  2. I love the sky, it's like an ember. And fireflies just aren't as magical in a picture as they are in real life, but the sky is every bit as wondrous.

  3. Sadie has excellent taste. Red sky at night, sailor's delight! (Though I am no sailor.)

  4. Beautiful colors. I love the way that one big tree looks.

  5. I am in love with sky pictures, especially sunrise/sunset (okay, let's face it, mostly sunset because sunrise is just way too early). And I absolutely love the pine tree--perfect :)


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