Monday, July 22, 2013

Week Ending

This weekend began with a hot day on Friday and then I found myself practically cheering as we slipped out of the heat wave and continued into a much more pleasant weekend.  However the heat did get us out into the backyard to play with a new fun toy that the girls received for their birthday and love playing with.  First we got into our bathing suits and headed out to the back yard (this is one of those rare, once in a blue moon instances where it was hot enough that I joined in the sprinkler fun):

Haven't you ever seen a three year old running through the sprinkler in pink cowboy boots?

They had a blast!

And Paul noted that the range on this sprinkler is better than any sprinkler he'd ever seen before!  It watered our entire backyard!

I love my Land's End bathing suit... although it does seem that bathing suits with more coverage are catching on more and more these days, doesn't it?

In between this picture and the last Mae Bae got her hair cut.

Her she is modeling her new shorter do with sun glasses in hand before swim lessons:

And here she is sprinting off, attempting to make her escape.

She's one of those kids that run and run and never look back to see if anyone's following them.

This is why we don't go to the park without Paul... It's way too hard to chase her down while carrying Patrick.  She's pretty quick:

This might be one of my all time favorite Mae pictures:

And here we are getting ready to brave swim lessons:

While Mae and I do the Mommy and Me class, Sadie waited for her class to start (while dressed like a "Prairie Girl" according to her own description):

Patrick had a blast riding along with Daddy: 

That night Patrick decided he'd had enough of sliding around on his tummy and got to work on learning to stand up.  He hasn't quite got it yet... but it won't be long (I know I've said it once but I'm just not ready for my bitty baby to be this big!):

On Sunday after Mass I packed a picnic lunch and we headed to the zoo.  We found a picnic table outside the park first and had our picnic:

Mae enjoyed a gluten free roll that I'd gotten for her as a special treat:

And Patrick was thrilled that he got to hold a spoon (funny... he wouldn't be as thrilled if that spoon had food on it... he'd be offended that I suggest he hold it...):

At the zoo there were some baby peachicks (we learned about peacocks and peahens and peachicks today).  Can you spot the little guy at his mama's feet?  He kind of looks like a baby duck to me:

We made our stop by the children's memorial garden (Sadie always asks that we come here so she can say a prayer):

We sat on the benches for a few moments:

And I got a hug... and then it was on to visit more animals!

We saw a kangaroo:

Walked by the big cats:

Hurried by a tiger:

Said goodbye to the otters:

(especially this guy who came up to look at Sadie):

And then it was time to go (after I convinced Paul to pose by these eagles):

Afterwards we came home and hung out as a family having conversations like: "If you could live anywhere, where would it be" and playing "Go Fish" (let me tell you... if you play with a five year old who repeatedly asks "do you have a 2?" on every single turn the game can feel very, very long).  And then our weekend was quite suddenly over.  Sunday especially flew by!  


  1. Very nice pictures. The zoo and park look like a lot of fun and kids always have fun in the water. Your swim suit looks very nice and modest. You have a lovely family.

  2. Busy weekend for you! Love Mae's new haircut!

  3. Mae running through the sprinkler with cowgirl boots is the second time that I have seen that. The first was my sister was little and did that. I believe she was also three.

  4. LOL! The weekend starts on Friday! At least here! I just do school with the girls monday- thursday!


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