Thursday, July 11, 2013

Theme Thursday: Rooms

When Paul and I first got married we moved into our first little home as newlyweds.  The roof leaked from time to time (a little bit of tar and a tarp put an end to that) and once we woke up when a fuse blew to find that temperature was in the teens and we were freezing and air mattress had deflated, but it wasn't a bad home for starting out:

Still, when my Dad and Paul finished building a little cabin that would be our new home, I was thrilled.  It was just a tiny one room home, without a kitchen or running water (but I could always sprint over to the trailer in an emergency) but it was home.  And I got to pick out the red walls ("Too dark!" everyone said.  "I don't care!  I love it!" said I.) and the floors in our roughly 150 square foot home that was almost completely taken up by the amish made bed I'd recently picked out.

We moved to town when Mae came along (so our little cabin was home for quite a while), but the cabin will always hold a special place in my heart... and there was no way I was going to show you any of my current rooms because I am in the midst of a major "spring" cleaning operation...

So... here is our first home as newlyweds that didn't have wheels... And this is pretty much how big it was... but it was home sweet home for almost two years:

Linking up with Cari at Clan Donaldson for Theme Thursday!


  1. You lived in a house your men built with their own hands? I am dying of envy. Love it.

  2. That is absolutlely beautiful! What an experience.

  3. Awesome!! I love your room on wheels, and the idea of the cabin. (I would love to live in something like that...maybe when the kids are grown?) And the red walls? Wonderful choice. That looks pretty darn close to the same color that is the accent wall in my dining/living room!

  4. I love adventures like that night when the fuse blew. Best stories ever. And I love the red and don't think it's too dark. And I love Amish furniture, someday I'll have some.

  5. I agree with Cari- plus red? So lush.

  6. That bed is stunning. And I LOVE the walls. I was just up visiting my patents' home and I showed the girls the trailer that was "my room" while my dad built the addition to their house. It's an experience, isn't it?

  7. We own a big house and have been talking about moving to a cabin on a piece of land. We want a more simple existence.


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