Thursday, October 31, 2013

Patrick's Saint John of the Cross Costume

Tonight I sat down at my sewing machine and Sadie said:  "Mommy, you'll have plenty of hours before All Saint's Day.  Go to bed.  You've been working since early this morning.  You're very tired.  Don't worry, you'll have lots of hours to sew."  She was so serious and cute.  When I insisted that tonight was in fact a sewing night she came over and stood next to me and watched and talked and did any little job I needed done.  

And she told Nani that the reason Patrick was crying this morning and would probably cry when he saw his whole finished costume (which she insisted is a surprise) was because he's just so excited that he gets to be Saint John of the Cross and he can't contain his happiness.  They're tears of joy, she said.  

Um... Yeah.  

These definitely look like tears of joy to me:

I finished his costume shortly before midnight tonight.  It took me almost six hours altogether to make it (about the same amount of time it takes me to make a princess dress).  The mantel ended up being the trickiest part.  The pictures don't really do it justice with it laying flat... hopefully I'll be able to wrangle Patrick into and snap some pictures tomorrow while I double check the fit (since the tunic fits I think the rest should be fine):

The Mantle

The Scapular

The Cowl

The Tunic

Patrick's Carmelite Habit
for his Saint John of the Cross
All Saint's Day
Now to sleep before one of the babies wakes up!

1 comment:

  1. That Sadie of yours is one special little girl. May God preserve her purity and virtue throughout her life. May St. Theresa protect her in a special way! Her empathy and love in action is so beautiful, it is wonderful to see it though your eyes. Thank you for sharing that lovely story with us. God Bless. Bonnie


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