When I woke up this morning we didn't have any solid plans. But Sadie was so, so incredibly excited about wearing her jellyfish costume somewhere that we just had to figure out someplace where she could wear it (and it's been raining pretty much non-stop all day)... in between Paul's class that started at 1 and his class that started at 5:45. Thankfully when he came home from his first class he had news that there would be trick or treating at the law school between 4 and 5 and so it was decided.
We had a couple small packages of some special candy that's pretty much free of every allergen that the girls got to have for this very special occasion (although still definitely not part of the diet). Mae walked around the house with wide eyes eating little sour hearts very, very slowly (she even gave one to me).
Now everyone is sleeping and I've been nostalgically looking at old pictures while saying "the last five years have gone by so quickly!" over and over again. And so, I thought I'd share with you what I found!
Time flies...
Back in the day when I had time to do multiple outfit changes in one day because I just couldn't decide what to put her in! |
Her first year in her angel costume. |
Maggie arrives... and Sadie is an angel again. |
And I have to say, I'm pretty excited for one of my favorite feast days of the year!
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