Saturday, February 15, 2014

I Can't Keep A Secret...

... at least not a secret this wonderful!

Coming October 2014:  


  1. If I am interpreting this image correctly, congratulations are in order! Many blessings!

  2. Oh yay! That's fantastic news! Thanks for letting us in on the secret, and many congratulations to all of you.

    I'll add you to my list of expectant-mamas for whom I pray for healthy pregnancies.

  3. Aw Cam! Fantastic news! Congratulations. Hope you've been feeling well.

  4. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and your family :)

  5. Awwwww! Congratulations! Glad to know Sadie is getting her wish :)

  6. Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy and very boring pregnancy! ;)

    We're expecting our 3rd grandson in late July and are thrilled. Lots of babies!!!

  7. I'm so happy for you! God bless!!! I pray it will be an uneventful and very healthy pregnancy for you! God bring you many blessings!
    God bless. ~ Bonnie

  8. Congratulations! How very exciting! Sadie must be over the moon. However, you have now made me feel old. I graduated high school the year you were born!

  9. Congratulations, Cam! I'm so excited for you! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you would be making any announcements soon.

  10. Oh wow, congratulations!


  11. Congratulations Cam!!! Our family is so excited for you!

  12. YAY!!! Congratulations!!! And just imagine the time your new little one arrives, Paul will be *gasp* out of law school and *double gasp* done with the bar exam! Triple woot! : )

  13. Congratulations!!!! That's wonderful news!!!

  14. This is wonderful Cam!!! So excited for you and your family. Sadie is probably over the moon.

    It maybe silly because I don't know you in "real life", but I read all your posts so i get excited when wonderful things happen for the bloggers I follow. I saw this announced on Facebook and got all excited telling my husband about it. He just kind of laughed since i end up telling him things going on in blog world like everyone is friends. lol

    Anywho, so excited for y'all. Sending you many many blessings. Congratulations!

  15. Ahhhh congratulations!!! So so exciting!!!

  16. Congratulations!!! What wonderful news!

  17. Yeah!!! Congratulations! You'll both be in my prayers:)


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