Right now we're trying to figure out how many naps a day Sadie should take. She usually takes her morning nap at about 10:30, which means she wakes up just in time for lunch. Her afternoon nap is where the struggle begins. I realized yesterday that when I try to get Sadie to go down for her afternoon nap she realizes what I'm doing and completely refuses to cooperate. She insists that she's not tired, that she wants to sit up and that she wants to play. I started to wonder if she still needed an afternoon nap because it seemed like the morning nap was enough.
The second that I stopped pushing the nap Sadie decided that it must not be such a bad thing. Yesterday she actually came over and was sleepy and cuddly (and in her little baby way showed that she was ready for her nap).
Today she had far fewer tantrums (and a few less time outs). She only had three wood stove related time outs (she had somewhere between 20 and 30 ten second time outs yesterday).
The hardest part is not laughing when she touches the wood stove and then looks to see if she's in trouble, because the expression on her face when she does something she knows is naughty is priceless.
Nice to meet you! She is SO cute!!!