It is one of my favorite Masses of the year.
I was a little worried about going. Last year we brought Sadie and hoped that she would sleep through it. We ended up slipping out the back midway through the readings as the "I'm sleepy and it's bedtime" meltdown began. This year we were a little smarter. We left Sadie with Nani and Grumpa. We figured that it would be good practice for those three inevitable nights when I'm going to be in the hospital this summer and she's only going to be able to visit during the day.
The Mass was shorter than usual this year, because our parish doesn't have any candidates, but it was still an hour and a half from beginning to end. And what did we rush home to discover? Sadie had fallen asleep after sitting in the rocking chair after five minutes with Nani (she never falls asleep at night when I rock her! She stays awake until about ten minutes after I put her down... if I'm lucky!) and then left Nani lay her gently into her bed. What a relief!
I can't pinpoint exactly what it is about the Easter Vigil Mass that I love so much. I love the fire and the candles and the moment when the bells ring announcing the resurrection. Everything about Easter is so amazing! I just can't find the words the explain it!
We're going to take Sadie to the morning Mass tomorrow (as long as we're not snowed in). On Good Friday Sadie and I stayed home because the snow had been falling all morning and there were already chain restrictions on the roads. Paul braved the storm and made it in just before the freeway closed for a few hours because of accidents on the top of the summit that stands between our town and the town our parish is in (Grumpa was working on chain control at the bottom of the hill so we had frequent updates). Thankfully the roads reopened just as he turned around to come back home. Right now we're under a "winter storm warning" again, which should make tomorrow's Easter Egg hunt interesting.
I better get some sleep before the baby bunny wakes up and tries to climb up into the big bed and we begin the routine of mommy tucking her back into bed over and over again, all night long.
Happy Easter! Have a joyful day!
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