Monday, April 12, 2010

Full of Grace Rosary Giveaway

I'm so excited to have my shop up and running (at least partially, I'll be busy loading more pieces on for a few more days!) and in honor of the Grand Opening of Full of Grace Creations I'm doing a rosary giveaway.
This rosary measures 6 inches from the bottom of the Celtic Crucifix to the top of the Miraculous Medal and is 27 1/2 inches around.

The beads are grey glass pearls.

This is one of the first rosaries I designed and made and I'm thrilled to give it away as part of the opening.

To enter in the giveaway leave your email address so that I can contact you in the comment section.

For three extra entries become a follower and let me know that you'd like the three extra entries in the comment section! Or if you're already a follower just leave a note in the comments saying that you'd like the three "follower" extra entries.

Lastly you can get another five entries if you blog about the giveaway and let me know!

I'll draw the winner on Sunday, April 18th after 12 pm Pacific Time so make sure you enter by then. And don't worry if you don't win! I plan on doing three more giveaways in the next couple of months!


  1. I'm a follower, I blogged about it, and my e-mail is So what's that nine entries or something?

    Love the rosary btw. I've seen some really pretty handmade ones and this one is top notch.

    Congrats on the store. I wish that I was that crafty. (Or had the time)

  2. Hi! I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and recently became a follower! I think it's great that you opened an Etsy shop, and the rosary looks beautiful. I blogged about the giveaway over at my blog, . Good luck with everything and keep up the great posts!

  3. Gorgeous! I love the new shop and hearted it as a fave over on Etsy. You can contact me over there at
    And I've been a follower for a long time so I'd love the extra entries! :)

  4. Hi Cam!! I'm so thrilled about your store! I'm going to keep it bookmarked for gifts :) I blogged about your giveaway:

    and I'm ever so happy to be one of your followers :)

    Hope you're having a great day!

  5. Hi Cammie, I'm so proud of you!! This Rosary is BEAUTIFUL!!! Keep up the great work on all your I told you before, my daughter Melissa, has a shop on ETSY also and is doing great! So, I want to wish you great success too.
    Barb B
    my email is,

  6. Cammie,
    Your creations are amazing. I am lucky to have such a talented friend:)!!!

  7. My email address is
    I love your blog! I am a young catholic mom, also exploring homeschooling, (my son is only 19 months old, but I am always researching!)

    I also live out in the middle of nowhere, and live on a tight budget. I am trying to find a way to bloom where I am planted, so to speak. :)

    This is getting really long, I just wanted to say, I love this blog, and I wish you success in business!

  8. Following... So surprised I wasn't already. You've been on my blog list quite awhile now lol.


    That's a beautiful rosary btw...

  10. Cam, I love your blog and the rosaries are beautiful. I am a follower, so please don't forget the extra entries. Thanks so much! Hopefully I will be lucky! -Christine

  11. I just blogged about your contest on my blog at

  12. I'd love to be entered in this giveaway--what a beautiful rosary! My email is nicolepalmby (at) gamil (dot) com. Also, I'm already a follower.

  13. What a wonderful Rosary! I just became a follower of you blog!

  14. Congrats on the etsy shop....way to be motivated, wish I had a lovely


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