Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Whiny Post (since I'm not really capable of anything else at this point)

My brain is currently not working at top speed, so this may not be the greatest post ever...  but at the moment hitting the right keys on the keyboard is something of a victory, so here goes:

This thing sounds like a harmonica every time I use it...
And I'm seriously needing it way too much right now.
I spent yesterday offering up prayers for those of you east of us hit by the storm (how are you guys doing?), offering up the feelings associated with having another virus for the third time in three months for the souls in purgatory and generally doing a pretty horrible job not feeling sorry for myself and bugging God about how it doesn't seem like breathing would be too much to ask for while in labor, because I'm really not sure how labor will work with my lungs in their current "Quick Grab Me that Inhaler!" state.

100% of the people who visited me in the hospital ended up getting sick (that would be 5 out of 5 people...).  Everyone in the house was sick as of yesterday, although the girls seem to be on an upswing.  And I really, really wish that there was a cough syrup pregnant women could take that didn't include the word "expectorant" because I'm coughing enough without any extra help, thank you very much.

 I have been getting a lot done... because laying down is the worst position to be in (even propped up since I kind of need to be on my side 100% of the time these days) and so I avoid it like the plague.  The entire house has been cleaned and organized.  Laundry is caught up.  I'm sending orders out as they come in.  And I managed to sew a minkie and flannel baby snuggler last night for The Boy.  All of this is to avoid the inevitable night time when I will be in bed, not sleeping, feeling mightily tempted by those medicines in my medicine cabinet that actually work on cold/flu symptoms, but that are forbidden pregnant women.

On another note you'd think that, having had been in labor three times now, I would know when it was actually time.  But I don't.  I've been pretty sure that "this is it" pretty much every day this week.  My Hypnobabies book gives 7 signs of pre and early labor and I have 6 out of 7...  so we'll see how much longer this goes on... and maybe they'll let me have a nebulizer in my room during labor...  that's really the best case scenario I'm seeing through my not exactly rose colored glasses at this point.


  1. Hang in there, Cammie!! Sending you prayers and hugs!! <3

  2. You might garner more sympathy if you weren't so gorgeous and quit smiling so much.

  3. Cam = Indefatigable! You are an inspiration!

  4. Poor Cam! Prayers being said that you recover quickly and that you can breathe easily during labor.


  5. Not ideal situation to be in in the home stretch of pregnancy! Praying that you at least don't have to worry about being able to breathe during labor! Do you think they will want to do a c-section if you are still having trouble breathing like this?

  6. Aww, I'll be praying for you that you can feel better before you go into delivery. This pregnancy has been rough for you, but thank God your parents are around to help. What a blessing!

  7. I've tried sucking on candied ginger for a cough. It really does help! And drinking LOTS of water. Which is the last thing anyone wants to do while 9 mos. pregnant!

  8. Hi- I'm coming out of lurkdom to say that you are in my prayers for health and a safe delivery! I have been a severe asthmatic for the last 15 years+. I found out by accident that the asthma inhalers can not only stall your labor, but halt it. That might be part of the problem with your labor appearing to start up and stop again. It happened to me more than once (with albu.terol and xope.nex), and it wasn't until I mentioned it to my doctor that she said I was stopping the labor. The meds are also smooth muscle relaxers which have the side effect of calming the uterus. They wouldn't let me take the neb in delivery either for the same reason. They will give you oxygen instead. I had that for both my deliveries. I hope this helps! God Bless-Renee

  9. Eat garlic! It is an excellent old world remedy for colds and flu, and I believe even modern researchers have found that it shortens durations of illnesses. Cook with it and eat it raw. Just cut it up so it is the size of a pill and swallow it with water. I also highly recommend drinking lots of chamomile tea (it is a great relaxer - you need sleep to get better! and may help boost immune systems)and rasberry LEAF tea - which is used by midwives to help get the body ready for labor (it makes your contractions more efficient).
    Good luck - we are all pulling and praying for you!

  10. You're having a baby! Glory! Those of us who are unable to (more than once anyway) stand amazed at those of you who can. Hang in there. You will endure, and your blessings are overflowing. :)

  11. I felt the same way about not knowing if I was really in labor with my third. I'll tell you this, when I did actually go into labor completely on my own [a first for me since I had a little help from the midwife with the first two] with my third I knew within a short amount of time that it was the real deal.

    Praying your little one arrives soon. It's so hard to be patient in those final days/weeks.


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