Thursday, October 25, 2012

My New Sewing Project: A Little Bit of Grape:

Earlier this week I picked up a few yards of fabric that I needed for orders, and saw that the ruffle stretch fabrics were 50% off.  I've been longing to try sewing with the ruffle fabrics since I saw a tutorial a month or so ago, and so I decided to invest in two yards for around $12 and see how it went.  

I was delighted last night when I realized I had enough fabric to make a dress for myself, a dress for Sadie and a dress for Mae.  I decided to go simple for my dress, and in around an hour, I was done (this picture was taken before I added straps, since I wanted something simple I could wear with a shrug right away and I didn't feel like coming up with sleeves just yet).

As you can see, The Boy is still in place, and the contractions have actually slowed down now that I'm not sick.  He is looking like he's a... rather healthy... size.

I used my computer to get pictures, and wasn't particularly good at getting across the room quickly (nothing is quick these days), which is why he first two pictures are headless... and also because the resolutions not great and those were the only two shots that really showed the ruffle fabric.

Here's my latest sewing project (and it was pretty easy: two seams down the sides, a seam around the top, elastic and a tie... afterwards I added two straps and a little sparkly jewel bead where the straps come together in the front... and it was done):


  1. Great job!!! I can barely thread my sewing machine. You rock, Cammie!

  2. I really like that material; cute dress!

    I think my daughter has you beat, size-wise. People actually call out to her asking when she's due. Boy, is she ready!


  3. So pretty that ruffle fabric... and a lovely dress to perk you up after a rough week or so. :)

  4. Thanks everybody!

    @ Marie-

    So she's still hanging in there too? The doctor asked today if I'm feeling big and I said I wasn't really sure... my muscles are so stretched out now that the baby doesn't feel super crowded like they did with the first two. I'm wondering if this might be an eight pounder instead of a 9+! That would be nice!


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