Thursday, January 9, 2014

What She Said (or how an ordinary day just became extraordinary)

Today, January 9th 2014, is very special.

Mae's therapy session had just ended and we were sitting on the ground playing.  She was being super cuddly and had been climbing in and out of my lap and I scooped her up and said "I love you" and set her back down on the floor.

She looked back up at me and, in an uncharacteristically quiet voice:  "I love you Ma.  Yeah."

And I melted.  Then I looked up at Paul who was standing across the room to make sure I hadn't hallucinated the words in my longing to hear them.

"Did you hear what she just said?!?!?!" I must have almost yelled.

"She said 'I love you.'"

She did.  She said it.  January 9th, 2014.  The year may be young, but this is definitely one of the best days in it and it's going to take a lot to top that particular moment!  Three years, six months and five days after we welcomed Mae into the world she said it!


  1. FANFRICKENTASTIC! Seriously Awesome.
    I don't know the whole story, but if you're this excited, so am I. TRULY!

  2. Awww! Yay! I can't even imagine how excited you are. I can see the miraculous transformation of Mae through your blog posts, I can only imagine what it feels like in person.

  3. Terrific news!
    Loving it so much!!


  4. "My soul magnifies the Lord,
    and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...
    Because He who is Mighty had done great things for me.
    And Holy is His Name.
    His mercy is from generation to generation
    on those who fear Him."

    My heart is swelling with joy for you. God bless. ~ Bonnie

  5. Tears in my eyes... so happy for you!

  6. That is wonderful! I am so happy for you.


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