Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Snood For All Seasons: My Latest Project is Up and Running!

I am exhausted, but I also have a definite feeling of accomplishment! I checked quite a few things off my to-do list today and one was opening my latest shop. My Sadie's Saints shop has been put on the back burner for the past couple of weeks as I worked on my latest project (don't worry, there will be more dolls soon!). For some reason this project felt much more urgent and I've spent hours working on it each night after the girls went to sleep. As of last night it is up and running.

My goal is to offer cute, wearable snoods at affordable prices. I've added a gadget in the sidebar for this shop and here are a few of the highlights from yesterdays "photo shoot."

The name of the new shops is A Snood for All Seasons. So if you're in the market for a snood or you're looking for a new headcovering (or you're just curious about my latest shop!) stop on by!

And then there's the-snood-wearing-princess-bunny (I just have to tell her she "looks like holy baby" when she has it on and she's enthusiastic to wear it... we're less sure about how to find the "holy baby" birthday cake she's started talking about...).

There should be more up soon (and there's the promise of satin, crepe and lace soon too!)!


  1. I love the first one. It's so sunny and very cute!

  2. My favorites are the polka dots and the small flower print snoods. Hopefully, I can buy one soon.

  3. These are beautiful! I can't wait to see what else you add to your shop!

  4. Those are gorgeous! I'll have to see what else you add soon! (And Sadie looks adorable with those on! How cute!)

  5. Ooo, I love the pink one! :) You're so creative!

  6. 1) Is a snood an acceptable headcovering for Mass?
    2) Can you or did you do a post about the history of headcovering at Mass for women in the Church? I want to explore this topic. Thanks!

  7. I love these! They look wonderfully made. Before I reached the pictures of Sadie, I was thinking "She should totally make some snoods for her babies. They would be so precious" Lol


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