Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 11 of Our Great Cross Country Adventure: 700 miles from Vegas to our Nor Cal Home...

Originally we’d planned on stopping in Reno for our last night on the road, but after the night in Vegas everyone was ready to get home to California. 

It was a long day.  We zipped through a cold and then snowy Nevada. 

Paul commented on the desolation of a hundred mile strip of freeway, and we looked at the map to see that it was marked: “Nevada Test Sight.”  Then it was back to tiny, partially deserted towns and the occasional brothel. 

We got in the car at 7am… at 4 we hit Reno (we’d only stopped for gas and fast food after leaving Vegas)… at 7:30-something we were finally home after almost 13 hours in the car.  And after 24 hours of recovering I’m okay with not being in the car again for any length of time for a while…

Now to get my brain working again so I can right blogs about actual issues that are going on right now.  Like all the awesome Catholic institutions filing suit against the government!  

And now for a few pictures from our last day on the road...

When it started to rain, something went horribly wrong with the windshield wipers...


  1. Welcome home! If you are every in Southern California, you'll have to stop by and say hi :)

  2. Just started reading your blog and, though by all means disregard if you don't like putting these things online, you aren't by chance military, are you? The cross-country move + NorCal thing got me wondering. (I just left Travis AFB -- between San Francisco and Sacramento last August)

  3. Hi M! Welcome!

    We aren't military. DH is in law school right now (1 year down, 2 to go!) and so we're crossing the country for a summer internship. In two months we make the trip back! It's a summer of driving!


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