After the walking tour failed we piled into the car and took
an air conditioned driving tour (and blessedly the air conditioner worked all
day today).

Inside a plain, cement building were stacks of fabric. They were in cardboard boxes and piled
on tables. Some were on rolls and
some were flung in giant piles with signs hanging over them that said things
like: Apparel Fabrics $2.99 a yard.
Others were $1.99 a yard.
Mae giggled as we walked down a colorful wall covered in
spools of lace trim with a sign that said the lace trim started at 25 cents a
yard. As I examined the spools I
found that most were actually 25 cents and that they were actually pretty
fantastic. I just about started
jumping up and down when I found three huge boxes of brightly colored lace at
1/3 of the price of the stores I normally go to, that was comparable
After Paul carried about a dozen armloads of fabric to the
cutting table I told myself I couldn’t go over to see the second half of the
store where the beautiful chiffons and beaded lace were beckoning me (gorgeous
beaded lace for $7.99 a yard!!! I had to tear myself from the store!) and
finally made my way to the cash register to collect my two gigantic bags of
He’s a pretty awesome husband. Especially after my rather sulky start to the day…
He took us to lunch at a restaurant he worked at during
college, where Sadie insisted on tasting my hot chicken wings, made a face and
said she didn’t like them, and then asked for more and Mae sat at the table
giggling as she ate yet another cheese quesadilla.
Then it was back to the hotel for resting and swimming.
The wind picked up while we were in the pool and Mae clung
to me as strips of palm tree bark and a lawn chair were blown into the pool
(she seemed to think it was all quite wonderful as long as she had a firm grip
on Mommy’s neck). Sadie, on the
other hand, discovered a passion for going under water and kept insisting on
Paul and I going under water with her.
Now our restful day is at an end and it’s time to get back
on the road and head north. I’m
starting to get impatient to arrive at home. This week has been fun, but it’s exhausting! Eight days down, three to go!
Haha. I love the photo-bombing Moai in Paul's picture.