Thursday, November 7, 2013

Theme Thursday: Thumb!

Sadie gets the photo credit for this morning's Theme Thursday post for the topic of "Thumb"!  When I saw the topic I knew exactly which photo I wanted to use.  She's fascinated with my camera right now (thankfully it's supposedly indestructible... and we're certainly testing it to see if it is!), but she hasn't quite gotten the hang of where the lens is since it's not in the middle of the camera.  Thus she snapped this picture this last week as we were coming back from Mass in the icy cold!


  1. Very cute - I've got a digital camera how-to book coming for next semester homeschooling art. I'm sure I'll have quite a few pictures like this until the 8 y/o gets the hang of things :)

  2. Great job for a novice :) You can't even really tell its a thumb!

  3. My kids are obsessed with the camera, too. I wish we could trade some weather. It is HOT in California and I'm over it. If you give me some cold and I give you some warm, maybe we could both be comfortable. Deal? Deal.

  4. This is adorable! Love the little monkey backpack. My son loves his and asks for it. I think he pretends his is Curious George tagging along for an adventure.


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