Monday, December 6, 2010

Full of Grace Creations Monday Morning Giveaway: The Chaplet of the Immaculate Conception

This week I’m going to do something a little bit different (and special) for the Full of Grace Creations Monday Morning Giveaway. A reader recently suggested that I get a copy of the book My Treasury of Chaplets (thank you, thank you, thank you! It is a wonderful book!). I found a used copy on Amazon and bought it. It’s full of chaplets (as the name implies) along with pictures that show what each chaplet looks like! And so I plan on adding quite a few different chaplets to my shop! This is the first:

The Chaplet of the Immaculate Conception

I thought that this would be an appropriate giveaway for this month (and particularly this week!). Here’s how the chaplet is prayed (taken from the book referenced above):
“This Chaplet consists of three groups of four beads each. A large bead separates each group, and a medal of the Immaculate Conception is attached to the end. It was composed by St. John Berchmans, SJ and recited by him daily to obtain, through the intercession of Mary, the grace never to commit any sin against the virtue of purity.”

Method of Saying the Chaplet

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

First Set of Beads

Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Say the Our Father once, Hail Mary four times. Glory be to the Father once.

Second Set
Same prayers.

Third Set

Same prayers.

This particular chaplet is made with dyed blue freshwater pearls! I will be posting more Immaculate Chaplets today on my store!

Now for the rules of the giveaway (they haven’t changed in a while!):

There's no limit to the number of times you can win (in other words, if you've won before you can enter again!)!

You can earn one entry simply for leaving your contract information in the comment section (only once though!).

You can earn one entry (each) if you tell me that you mentioned this giveaway on facebook or twitter!

You can earn three entries when you become a follower (or if you already are a follower!). Just mention it in the comment section (it can be in the same post).

Lastly you can earn five entries if you post the link to your blog post about this giveaway in the comment section!

Entries will be closed Sunday December 12th at noon and the winner will be announced sometime Monday morning!

And my international readers are welcome to enter! We ship internationally!

Good luck and God Bless!


  1. Once again, I've got all the entry possibilities covered!

    Thanks for another beautiful giveaway, Cam! :)

  2. I would love to enter!

    I am a follower #1


    contact: kfollo at gmail dot com (1)

    I'm a follower already (3)

    and I posted on facebook (1)!

    put me in for 10 entries!!! So excited about this chaplet!!

  4. I blogged about this giveaway.

  5. I blogged about this giveaway. #2

  6. I blogged about this giveaway. #3

  7. I blogged about this giveaway. #5

  8. I think that is beautiful!
    I would like to enter.
    I am a follower and I'll mention this on Facebook!

    Thank you.

  9. Cam,

    I love (!) that you're now going to be making chaplets - what a great idea! This one is beautiful!

  10. what a beautiful chaplet! i've never even heard of this, i'd love to win it!

  11. and i'm a follower on google reader!

  12. blogged about it:

  13. I'd like to be entered into your giveaway. I have followed you. Reading your Blog makes me feel like less of a weirdo for staying home and taking care of the house. I always post your giveaway to facebook. I will be blogging about the fact that I have entered again.

  14. Hi,

    I would love to win this. It's beautiful. I'm a follower.
    My addy is

  15. How beautiful! So, I am already a follower and my addie is: Thanks!!

  16. I also just posted your info on my blog for others to know how to enter! Thanks!

  17. Love it!! This one is so pretty!
    I'm a follower (1) and here's my contact info: (2) I also mentioned it on my Twitter (3)


  18. Hi Cam!

    I'm your long-time follower :) and I can be reached at: tiffanyrae18 at yahoo dot com. I did mention this time on twitter (I'm trwalsh2 there) and on my blog:


  19. okie dokie cam

    im going to enter into this one. :)

    as you know i am a follower, i am tweeting this the second that i finish this comment and i blogged it and my contact info is

    I hope you have a wonderful day, and I said a little prayer for your husband and the test that he is taking.


I love comments and I read every single comment that comes in (and I try to respond when the little ones aren't distracting me to the point that it's impossible!). Please show kindness to each other and our family in the comment box. After all, we're all real people on the other side of the screen!