Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh Sweetie....

How do I know that my husband carefully reads my blog?

This picture is proof!

Remember a couple of days ago when I said that I was saving my money for a few kitchen utensils?

I am no longer in need of a spatula!

I picked him up from work yesterday and he hopped in the car holding the spatula pictured above and said:

"I got your anniversary present! And look, it was on clearance for 99 cents!"

Paul knows I'm a sucker for a good deal!

He also noticed I was desperately in need of shirts and picked up two really cute USF shirts (also on sale! Yay! Good job honey!) at the campus bookstore at school.

And I gave him Peter Kreeft's Back to Virtue, which I also can't wait to read...


  1. Nice Penguin. Nice...


  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! Marriage is awesome.
    And husbands who know the right time to buy much-needed spatula's are a (Can he drop a hint to mine?)

    Great job on that skirt,'s so cute on you. I love the fact that you can modify it and make it in any fabric or print. I bookmarked the link to that book since wrap skirts are a great solutions to post-partum tummies!

    You should definitely review Kreeft's book for us when you're done with it.

  3. Aww.. Happy Anniversary!


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