You know what I think is strange? That people across the country are outraged when they hear of legislation that would require a woman to look at an ultrasound picture of the life growing inside of her, an ultrasound that would already have had to be done for the doctor to see the baby, but that no one bats an eye when a huge number of hospitals in this country require that women have major abdominal surgery, undertaking far greater risks, because insurance companies have decided they like it better that way.
So it's a woman's right to decide whether or not to look at a picture that's already going to be taken, but it's not my choice to decide whether or not I want to have a surgeon cut into my uterus to remove my baby when there's no actual medical reason, to do so?
When we moved for Law School last year I had one very real hope for the immediate future and that was to move to an area where there existed a hospital that didn't have ridiculous "based on our insurance" VBAC policies, but instead actually based their policies on the health of the individual woman and the advice of her OB.
When Paul was accepted to Ave I immediately started googling Florida and VBACs and found that the area I was moving into was apparently just as bad as the one I was moving out of. Every hospital I could find had either a formal or a de facto VBAC ban. In California I could have driven four hours to get to a hospital that allowed VBACs. Here it would be over a hundred miles north or east to find a hospital where it's "allowed." The closest chapter of ICAN, according to their site is also over a hundred miles away, but I do plan on getting in touch with them.
With Mae I should have fought for a VBAC and I didn't because I still retained at tiny bit of trust and respect for hospitals and, despite the pretty horrible mistakes that were made during my previous labor (turning pitocin up, when the doctor said to turn it off, causing a contraction that lasted for an hour, after an emergency c-section had been ordered... to name one...), I still kind of believed they knew best. Or at least had the best intentions.
I no longer believe that. I've met individuals who I know devote their lives to helping people, doctors and nurses who are wonderful. And I have a two page apology from one of the local hospitals about the incidents that occurred last April that basically says: "our contract workers really aren't our workers." But the naivety that resulted in my last c-section is gone. I'm no longer leaving my safety and health decisions in others hands. You see, I've also met doctors who've endangered my life with their arrogance, so the blind trust has certainly disappeared. I'm not going to do anything just because the hospital says it's best for them.
There's so much insanity surrounding VBAC policies. When I went to the hospital the day before Mae was born, they sent me home. I labored for hours at home, which seemed ridiculous since they were just going to make me do a c-section at the hospital. And it sort of destroys the idea that they were so incredibly worried about my contractions rupturing my uterus, since they were okay with me having contractions and progressing at home, and told me to wait until I was far enough along to go into the hospital (I was 3 cm the first time I was sent home... my c-section was scheduled for three days later...).
And as for dangerous, what's going to be more dangerous, trying a VBAC after one or two c-sections, or having c-section after c-section since our family is open to life? While I have no idea how long I'll be fertile, at thirty, it is possible that I have quite a few years left, just as it's possible that this is it. We have averaged a baby every two years since we've been married. Would they rather risk seven c-sections, or a VBAC after two? I have a feeling that one is much more dangerous than the other.
But the hospitals and their insurance companies, often seem to only care about the risks right in this moment, at the expense of the individual's long term well being.
I'm really hoping for a VBAC this time. If there's a medical reason for another c-section than I'll have one, but I'm not having one because the hospitals insurer prefers it that way. I've heard that my doctor does VBACs, and I'm planning on asking what she thinks at my next appointment (all my other appointments have been about some scare or another and I always forget to bring it up!). Does she do VBA2Cs?
I sure hope so...
I'm also thinking of trying hypno-babies since the nurses at the hospital did go out of their way to try to terrify me about VBACs during my miscarriage (isn't that sweet?). So if anyone has any experiences with that program I'd love to hear about them!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! We have a couple Vba2c hopefully mama's in my ddg... and there was one in another group that did have a vba4c. There are dr's and midwives who'll do them is just a bit harder to find unfortunately.
As for Hypnobabies, I definitely recommend it. Having your hubby on board helps a lot (can be done without that, but still). Already having kids I can say its a bit hard some days to find time to practice... so something to think about how to work in ahead of time since it is important to do so every day once you start. Other than that it's not hard though, a very straightforward class and helped me a ton.
I really hope you are able to have a VBAC. I totally agree with you about birth choice and how crazy VBAC bans are. I have known people who have had a successful VBA2C, so hopefully you will be one of them.
ReplyDeleteI realize that this is impossible with bed rest, but hopefully you will be off soon and able to get back to walking as I believe that being in good physical shape for birth is a big factor in the ease of labor and birth. Good nutrition and regular chiropractic care (as it can help the baby be in optimal position) can also help...although if you can't go to a chiropractor, then doing t-tapp exercises (which has some chiropractic moves can help properly align the back and spine for optimal baby positioning.) Of course, having a good birth provider is probably the most important factor.
Hear, hear! I could write a novel in this spot, but instead I'll just pray for you to find a practitioner that will allow you to VBA2C.
ReplyDeleteI did hypnobabies, and while I found it helpful for early labor, once the painful, intense contractions started - it all flew out the window. If you are someone who has very long early labors, I think it could be worthwhile. Also, if you have anxiety about labor, or a low pain tolerance, it could be helpful. My experience though is that once it gets intense, it's too hard to remember the info and you revert back to your natural coping mechanisms.
ReplyDeleteI share your concern about multiple Cesareans (my sister-in-law is an OBGYN and she gets very nervous after four, but has done up to six on one woman - albeit it was 6 in 18 years, with 8 years between the first four and the last two) and I hope that this time around you are a good candidate for a VBAC. Be sure to take care of yourself!
What about the birthing center in Naples? Have you considered them? I think they do VBAC's.
ReplyDeleteI wish the birthing center did! From everything I've read Florida banned VBACs in birthing centers in 2010. From what I can find homebirths are okay with a midwife, but it seems that no midwives around here do VBACs either. There are all these websites about fighting for birth centers in 2010... but I think they must have lost. It's just weird that they're okay with home births though... makes me think the decision was monetary and the hospitals didn't want competition.
ReplyDeleteI cannot say enough good things about Hypnobabies- I recommend it to all my pregnant friends :D It helped me have the natural birth I hoped for, despite being induced for medical reasons! It is SO relaxing and really helped with pregnancy insomnia. I'm sure it is a great thing to do while on bedrest :D
ReplyDeleteI have a friend whose mother has had 11 (YES ELEVEN!!) C-sections. She is in great health and even runs marathons! I'm sure her story is the exception, not the rule, but hey, you may be too...