Monday, December 19, 2011

A Question on the Political Front

Okay, here's a quick question for anyone who knows the answer.

I liked Ron Paul in the debates I've seen far more than anyone else.

However I have two hang-ups.

First off, I've read that he advocates the use of the morning after pill, which, as we all know, prevents implantation.  If it's true, that pretty much puts him where Gingrich was before he backtracked a couple of weeks ago.

The second issue is the legalization on a state by state basis of marijuana.  Having already lived in a state where marijuana was virtually legal (you could buy a card, sick or not, for around $200) and having a daughter who was hospitalized because she's allergic to the smoke, means I have pretty strong opinions on the subject.  I've called the cops and had them say: "Sorry you're daughters in the hospital, but it's legal and there's nothing we can do." (to paraphrase my less than friendly conversation with the deputy that refused to even come to our apartment when it was pumped full of smoke from our neighbors).  So that point does make me hesitate, mostly because I have seen the real damage that can result in the basic legalization of drugs.

My second point is, is a hangup that will likely remain even if my first worry is answered, but my question is on the first point and I'll at least consider him if it were no longer true.

Has Ron Paul ever clarified the position that he took in his book on the use of pills to prevent implantation and in reality, cause abortions?  I was ready to not vote for Gingrich for that very reason, and that certainly would eliminate Paul for me.  If anyone has a link where he's changed his position I would really like to see it.

Anyways, I'm genuinely interested in the answer if anyone knows what it is!  I'd love to find something more recent than everything else I've read!


  1. Ron Paul is far out in the loony right field. Out of bounds. He would have us all be pot-heads and sell out Israel. Rick Santorum is a better option imo, although he may be a bit too extreme on military interventionism.

    I really don't hold out a lot of hope for our future. Why should America prosper if we have lost our soul? Have you seen all the "conservative" bloggers who do the "rule 5" thing? Come on, we're headed down a cesspool.

  2. Hi Cliff- I'm still planning on voting for Santorum. I just know a lot of people love Ron Paul, and after seeing him in the debate I could understand why. But that one issue is a major hangup for me. Of course the drug issue would remain and that is also a pretty big one for me (although not quite as big).

    I hadn't seen the "rule 5" thing. Now I'm going to have to google...

  3. Okay, learning to never google anything that has the words "cesspool" in the description afterwards. Seriously, what are they thinking?!?!

  4. Paul typically advocates the morning after pill for rape victims. I'm not saying that's correct (since I don't believe in ANY sort of abortive measures for anyone), just giving you his stance.

    As for the Mary J, doubtful he'll be backing off that one. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, though. I had no idea those effects could be so severe. I've never smoked myself, but I'll admit to being on the fence regarding its legalization simply because I haven't got as much info as I'd like before making the decision.

    Sorry I don't have a silver lining for ya on this one!

  5. Cam,
    You probably won't like this answer but....Those issues are not federal issues so Ron Paul will probbaly not touch them. Luckily you are out of California so you won't have to deal with the Marijuana issue for now. I think Gina is right what he has said about the morning after pill....again, yes it is wrong but he is not putting it as part of his platform.
    Next, Rick Santorum is a champion for the prolife movement, and for traditional marriage. However if you really start reading about what a "just war" is, Rick Santorum has to be a little more careful with all his military love. Also, I'm pretty sure he has almost 0 chance of winning.

  6. I am getting information for you. :) I have never heard that before, and if I may ask, where did you hear about Paul supporting the Pill? I am going to comment with a few links later tonight or tomorrow.

  7. Speaking from an admittedly outside perspective, I like and dislike Ron Paul in roughly equal measure, though admittedly, I'm not particularly fond of anyone arching for the Repubs this year.

    I don't have a real opinion on the morning after pill, but it wouldn't surprise me if Paul was for legalizing its use. The general trend in his politics has always been less government involvement in just about everything.

    As for the pot, well, I won't beat around the bush. I've used before and I don't have a problem with recreational use. Abuse is something else entirely, but that's true of any drug, and it's not like I'm hearing a rousing cry out there for the criminalization of alcohol.

    The good thing about Paul is that, unlike his son, he's very sure of his positions and doesn't seem to spend too much time back-pedalling.

    Just my two cents. Vote YOUR conscience, not mine.

  8. I guess on the drug front I'm less worried about Paul "not touching them" and more worried about him undoing what's been done, which is that it's currently against federal law. I'm all for that law standing, as it does at the moment. It sounds as if he wants to eliminate it to return the power to the states. My problem is that so many people haven't lived in an area where marijuana use is such a major problem and seen what happens when it becomes such a big part of society. As someone who lived in the Emerald Triangle (a part of California famous for pot production) for 12 years altogether, I've seen the damage first hand and can on no levels say it's harmless.

    On the morning-after-pill issue, this was the first article I found when I was researching: . The part that bothered me said:

    "Addressing abortion as a constitutional right, Paul asserts that the federal government should not have authority to “grant permission to destroy [life]” but writes that states should be able to enact their own laws dealing with abortion. For example, he suggests victims of incest or rape — rather than having abortions to terminate their pregnancies — should take emergency contraception, such as the morning-after pill, to prevent pregnancy."

    I have a big problem with that...

  9. I read somewhere that Ron Paul was a favorite among Neo-Nazi types. That makes me rather nervous.

  10. Okay, so he says to leave it up to the state, which he says in a lot of things. He is pro-life definitely, which I don't really understand with this discussion why he would stand for that, but here are some links.
    I don't believe that any of the other candidates would ban the use of IUDs which are the same sort of thing as the pill as far as contracepting goes, and it would be an interesting question to pose to Santorum to ask if he would outlaw contraception...

    Nobody is asking questions about outlawing Norplant either, and that works the same way. Contraception has been legal for so long that no one even asks anymore about these issues in debates, which they should as I stated above. Again, I don't think that any of the candidates would outlaw contraception.
    I don't know about the rest of the people out there, but I refuse to support a candidate who claims to be my religion, when there are other shortcomings in his views on issues in this country. The pro-life movement need Santorum, that is where he shines, my friend.

  11. I'd like to see the quote where Dr. Paul is in favor of the morning-after pill. I've never read any statement he's made that shows support for the morning-after you have a citation?

    Thanks! :)

  12. I seriously doubt that Ron Paul is in favor of the morning-after pill. The only quote I have been able to find that appears to suggest he is in favor of it is the following:

    "So if we are ever to have fewer abortions, society must change again. The law will not accomplish that. However, that does not mean that the states shouldn’t be allowed to write laws dealing with abortion. Very early pregnancies and victims of rape can be treated with the day after pill, which is nothing more than using birth control pills in a special manner. These very early pregnancies could never be policed, regardless. Such circumstances would be dealt with by each individual making his or her own moral choice."

    In my opinion, this quote in no way suggests he is in favor of the pill. Quite the contrary - what he is saying is that society must change if ever we are to rid ourselves of the evil of abortion, because even if anti-abortion laws were enacted, people would still seek out these horrible evils in secret and no law can stop that (unless society changes for the better, and people learn what is good and evil!). It seems to me that in this quote Ron Paul is saying that even if abortion was outlawed early pregnancies could be "treated" with the morning-after pill, which is just the same as birth control, and no one can police that or stop people from taking the pills in secret. Society must change if we are truly to rid the world of abortion.

    Ron Paul is an OBGYN...he's delivered thousands of babies. He's brought forward numerous pro-life legislation to try and get it passed. I seriously doubt he is in favor of the morning-after pill. He knows for sure that contraception is one of the roots of abortion...without contraception, there would be consequences for "actions" people take. With it, no consequences.

    I can't fathom him being okay with contraception or birth control of any form! If anyone has a question about this, they can always call his campaign office and ask for clarification.

    I know Ron Paul isn't perfect, but I think of all the candidates he makes the most sense on the most issues...and I still believe he's the most pro-life of any of them (which is my biggest issue). He has my vote in the primary!

  13. Just one more thing: I wanted to encourage everyone to read Ron Paul's page on Abortion:

    It's incredibly moving. Almost brings tears to my eyes. Read it, watch the accompanying YouTube video below the article, and then see afterwards whether you think this man could possibly favor the morning-after pill.

    I truly think his other quote was taken out of context, and he was describing something that "could" happen, not something he "believed should" happen.

  14. Hi MJ, the one I saw was: .

    But definitely check out the other links people have provided.

    I think even without the morning after pill, the more I read, the more the drug thing stands between me and heading in that direction. I guess I'm not libertarian enough... and have had the issue effect me too much on a personal level (and have seen what happens when my own state was left to make that decision and how the people's vote to legalize was twisted from severe illness to, whatever anyone wants to say is "illness".) to advocate removing federal laws against drugs and sending it back to the states.

    I can certainly see why ya'll like him though. :0) He's my favorite in every debate I've seen.


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