I experienced a few less than spectacular results after deviating
from the roll success, so I decided to give my old Fanny Farmer cookbook a
try. I found myself coming back to
that particular cookbook more and more, because the recipes are consistently more reliable than those I'd found in some of my.... fancier... cookbooks.

So I went back to my old, simple trusty cookbook. And my family suddenly thought I’d
become a culinary genius (I just assured Paul as he headed back to class that I
think pretty much anyone can make a grilled cheese sandwich, although the homemade bread with a bit of garlic powder mixed with butter did give it a boost). The recipes in that particular cookbook, even with my little twists
and changes, work.
This gave me the courage to give yeast bread baking a second
try. Last night I tried the
“simple white bread” recipe in my Fanny Farmer Cookbook (after reading the intro in the baking bread section, in which I learned a lot!) and I’ve spent a large
part of the morning wondering how the bread that results from that recipe can
even be considered to be distantly related to the sort of bread I’d pick up in
the super market aisle. After that I
spent quite a bit of time wondering how people went from primarily eaten bread
baked at home, to eating grocery store bread… Maybe the difference wasn’t as drastic at first? Because if I'd only eaten homemade bread and you handed me a piece of regular grocery store bread... I wouldn't be thrilled.

Sadie loves every step of the process, which makes baking a
bit more difficult at times, but which is also helpful when it’s time
to knead the bread. When I want to
take a break she giggles and steps in.
When the bread comes out of the oven the fact that she helped means
she’s incredibly excited to see the finished result (you’d think I was pulling
a cake out of the oven).
And so my new goal is to make Monday and Thursday’s around
noon “Baking Day” at our house. We’ll
make a couple loafs of bread to last the rest of the week and Sadie will get
her chance to do one of her favorite activities (she spends a lot of time pretending
to knead “pizza” while turning over a brown fluffy blanket again and
Now I just need to find a couple more bread loaf pans, so
that I don’t have to use my seasonal thanksgiving pan every day! It's not the best pan to use for yeast bread!
Makes you wonder where the phrase, "it's the best thing since sliced bread" came from.
ReplyDeleteWhat you might put a thought into is a sourdough starter. Most are really quite simple, and while I can't remember the recipe I used for mine off the top of my head, a quick google search provides the answers.
ReplyDeleteYeast breads like those take a bit more time to produce, but most of that time is waiting, and a good, aged starter does a lot to help along the process. Best of all, a household's starter will become more and more specific to that household over time. Some of the best San Francisco bakeries (who are famous for the stuff) have been using the same starters for decades, if not longer.
It's good to see people enjoying traditional tasks like bread baking. I find the process to be thoroughly therapeutic. And, as you said, there really is no comparison with commercial breads.
I LOVE baking breads, quick breads, yeast breads, and I have gotten very good at home-made pizza, if I say so myself. (For that, a pizza stone and an oven that you can crank up as high as it will go makes all the difference.)
ReplyDeleteAfter about 35 years of marriage, I finally broke down and shopped for a good stand mixer with dough hook. I got a great price on EBay, and it's been off to the races!!!
I'm so happy that our temperatures are supposed to drop drastically overnight, from the 80s today down to the 60s tomorrow; I hope they stay that way, as it is definitely bread-baking and soup-making season!!!
Starters are great!! I've done a few of those - sourdough and a cinnamon Amish bread - both delicious, and easy. I have always wanted to bake my own bread...my mom had a breadmaker, and used it at least 3x a week...I don't have a breadmaker (unless you count kids, but my 8mo old isn't ready for that yet! ;-) so maybe I can work up the courage to knead my own. Mmm...homemade bread is the best!
ReplyDeleteBaking bread is really much easier than most people think it is. If you search New York Times.com you will find a super easy recipe for no-knead artisan bread. It is fantastic. EVERYONE loves it, and it is so simple and inexpensive to make (only uses flour, salt and yeast). It's not a sandwich bread so much, but a dinner bread...goes well with soups or just with butter. I also used to make sourdough bread, and it was really good. It's actually easier than you think and I made my own wild starter.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.tuftyceramics.com/ makes the absolute best bread pans; I own a few. I recommend Rose Levy Berenbaum's Bread Bible, which is where I heard of these pans. I have made some awesome breads from this book.
ReplyDeleteI use a bread machine, but only on the dough cycle for kneading. I got one at a thrift shop for peanuts. I used to use my KitchenAid mixer for this, but it broke on a batch of whole-grain type bread.