Friday, December 30, 2011

An Appointment!

Paul kept calling the doctor's and finally nailed down an appointment with the cardiologist.  It's on the 17th, which I'm taking as a good sign, since the receptionist told me that appointments were based on urgency.  So apparently the EKG doesn't scream "urgent", which makes me pretty happy this morning.  Now it's just a matter of waiting three weeks for more news.  These past months have been a huge exercise in patience.


  1. My guess (take it for what it's worth) would be that the "abnormal EKG" meant your rapid heart rate... not that there were signs of heart disease, etc. If that had been the case, they would have had you in there pretty quick, I would imagine. With your migraines, etc., my guess would be thyroid, based solely on knowing other young women who've had similar symptoms.

    Prayers still being said! Try to relax a little.

    God bless!


  2. I think you're right Marie! I googled hyperthyroidism and had like 75% of the things that they listed. So I'm thinking that will be the next step. Now I've just got to figure out who I'd see for that. My OB? Or back to the regular doctor for a referral?

  3. Referral to an endocrinologist from your OB or your regular doctor will do the trick.

    Do some research into the tests because often the regular doctor does a simple test that misses MANY women with thyroid issues. Also, if you track your weight ups and downs you may discover that a thyroid test when your weight is up and the same test when your weight is down is NOT the same-- my younger sister has that problem.

  4. Our daughter's OB-GYN ordered the blood tests and prescribed the meds (mainly because the tests were done in the course of determining the reasons for crazy cycles) but your primary doc could handle that, or may refer you to an endocrinologist, depending upon your particular situation.

    At least the ball is rolling!!!


  5. I've been Hypothyroid for 12 years. An Endocronologist is the one to see. Your doctor could give you a referral.

  6. I'm glad you have an appt. It helps me to write down my concerns before I see a new doctor. I give it to the doctor at the beginning of the visit and they don't have to do as much questioning. Good luck and I hope you feel better and get good news.


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