Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finding One's Waist!

The location of my waist didn’t really matter when I was sixteen (and had the figure of a ten year old boy).  Or even twenty (with the same figure).  And if you’d asked me where my waist was I likely would have placed my hands just above my hips.  After all, we were in the midst of the era of low-rise pants (are we still?  I don’t pay enough attention to know these days) and I had a closet full of jeans that barely (or didn’t) cover my hip bones.  It wouldn’t have been so bad if the pants had been accompanied with longer than normal shirts, but at the start of the 2000s you didn’t see much of that and so there was often a midriff gap that was not easy to pull off if you were above a size 0. 

Which brings me to a brief digression:  I was watching the news a few nights ago and one of the reporters actually said that in fashion size 6 models are now considered “plus size models.”  I’m not kidding.  Just when you think that insanity has reached rock bottom, they plunge on by.

But back to my point: I had no idea where my waist was.  Pre-babies this wasn’t such a big deal.  Post babies it was something that I needed to figure out and figure out quickly if I was going to find anything that was vaguely flattering.  The problem was that I didn’t even know that there was a problem.  My waist had always been way down past my belly button, where my pants settled, and wasn’t that just where a waist was?

As I fumbled through post-partum dressing I began to figure things out: little by little, month by month and year by year.  Low rise anything, even with a long, tunic that covered everything, was going to make me look like I either had a beer belly or was still pregnant.  An empire waisted dress would mean that people were coming up to my husband at work, a month after I gave birth to Mae, and asking him in a whisper if we were expecting again already.

It was two of the skirts that I bought on clearance for something like $4 at Penny’s that pointed me in the right direction.  They came up to the point that I would later realize was actually my waist, some inches higher than I’d previously realized, and then flowed out easily.  They accented my actual waist, the narrowest point on my torso, and as a result were more flattering.  It didn’t matter if the muscles in my stomach, after two nine plus pound babies, were not what they once had been, because they were camouflaged by my skirt, rather than problematically drawing attention to a waist that was either too high or too low and therefore disproportional. 

The various trends of the moment, usually don’t fit to flatter this little secret.  But I have found one secret that helps some dresses that would otherwise not make the cut.  A wide black belt that I recently found at Target after my other belt finally kicked the bucket and was no longer useable.  It felt expensive buying it with a gift card I’d gotten for Christmas, and I found myself saying $16 for a belt?!?!?! but I new I needed to replace the one I had, and this one was stretchy and pretty and I had a feeling it would work.  It looks a bit like this. 

It's been a great addition to my closet and has revived a few outfits I didn't like wearing with my old, narrow belt.  Because it’s stretchy it slides perfectly to actual “waist” level and stays in place.  It gives some of my stretchy-knit is-she-or-isn’t-she-pregnant (like now when I’ not) dresses enough definition to wear without getting comments about where I’m going to put #3 when I take the girls on walks in the red wagon (it’s happened since we’ve been here). 

And that is what I wish I’d known a bit earlier when I was searching for a flattering fit.  The fashion world doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to make clothes that are absolutely wearable for women who’ve gone through puberty, so these tricks are good to know! 

Do you have any fashion secrets you’d like to share?  If you do I’m all ears!


  1. Personally, I like to shop the sale and clearance racks of the "regular stores as much as any girl!

    However...One thing I have found helpful in dressing in flattering ways, believe it or not, is "thrifting". If you can find a good thrift store, you can find high quality items inexpensively, and you aren't as subject to the trends of fashion because everything wasn't made last month. It makes it much easier to focus on what you like and what fits you well.

    For an example: I prefer to wear long Jean skirts, but OF COURSE they don't make and sell them new anywhere because they aren't "in fashion". Never mind that practically no one looks good (or modest) in a denim mini... 98% of my long jean skirts are from second hand shops and all looked new when I bought them.

    Buying from thrift shops doesn't mean you will end up with ugly bold patterned sweaters with shoulder pads from the 1980's. Honestly, most people I know wouldn't be able to tell my thrifted clothes from my "new" clothes anyway.

  2. I think everyone needs to just try trial and error to see what looks good on them, and it varies by body type.

    This is a great post!

    I think only women who are very thin and really don't have any curves can wear empire waist shirts w/o looking pregnant.

    I think generally for your typical woman's body type, shirts that are fitted (especially at the waist) and are mid-hip length are the most flattering, along with skirts/pants, etc. that come up to the waist. I agree low-rise is terrible on just gives "muffin-top."

    I think usefulness of the wide belt depends a lot on body type. They look really good on you, or someone with a typical hourglass shape, however I don't think they are as flattering on people who are more pear-shaped or apple-shaped.

    I know there are good sites out there that tell you how to dress, based on body type.

    I also agree with the previous comment about shopping thrift stores. You can find some really nice things there!

  3. Not having been blessed with a boyish figure nor with any discernible fashion sense, I simply LOVE the combination of two books that have helped me figure out how to best dress my short, over-weight, there-are-no-flat-planes shape. I also have a thing about being modest but would rather not be frumpy unless I choose to be frumpy-- and these two books helped me do that too.

    IT'S SO YOU, by Mary Sheen Warren is a wonderful help for learning about style and finding out what style is you. She also does a good bit on color too. Not so much on cut of clothing. It really helped me to eliminate things I didn't wear but couldn't figure out why, and to replace those items with colors that allowed each piece to work with other pieces-- she also talks a good bit about wardrobe and how to determine what you NEED. As I said, this has been a great help to me.

    THE SCIENCE OF SEXY by Bradley Bayou is titled to sell books but is far more common sense and helpful to those of us who want to look good but not trampy!! He starts off by showing the difference between "normal" women and the typical model for whom clothing is made-- it is a shocker to see the difference in the picture he uses (sillouettes). He then goes into measurements and the styles that flatter different shapes and even different weights. I figured out from this book why certain cuts worked and why certain things made me grind my teeth. I ALSO found some real inspiration that if I ever stop being pregnant long enough to ditch some weight I can enjoy my clothing even more!!

    Anyway, after years of reading books on dressing oneself in an attempt to compensate for my lack of fashion sense THESE are the two books out of many many books, that actually gave me tools for having a wardrobe I like and will wear.

  4. You guys have some great points (and this post was kind of over general now that I think about it!)! Betty Beguiles has a great post on figuring out body type too, that I just remembered and found:

    I love thrift stores! The one I've gone to in Naples was surprisingly expensive, but I did find some steals!

  5. If you like longer full skirts, check out Coldwater Creek and Chicos on ebay! Some are a bit pricey, but good deals can be found! Don't see them much in the stores anymore, but they still show up on ebay. And although those brands frequently are purchased by us older gals, many of the skirts are quite youthful, and would look fine on young women, too.


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