Friday, November 2, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday: "The Boy is Taking His Sweet Time" Edition

--- 1 ---

The girls have been waiting for a while now...
Yup...  I'm still here.  I had contractions for a solid two hours, five minutes apart, while making dinner last night and almost started to get excited that This.  Was.  It.  But of course, I'm still here, so it wasn't.

Sadie has taken to asking every hour or so:  "Patrick, why are you such a slow poke?"  While poking or tickling my baby bump.  Sometimes she follows it up by saying:  "Is it because you're afraid of Mae Bae?"

After all the squealing he's heard during the last months, that just might be it...

--- 2 ---

It's becoming increasingly apparent that, like her sister before her, Mae Bae has been holding out on us.  She prefers to communicate entirely in little bird like chirping sounds.  And the thing is, because she's so expressive, everyone understands her and so she hasn't really felt motivated to talk.

I know that this would freak a lot of people out... however, we've had a tendency to have late talkers in our family, with Sadie feeling completely uncompelled to speak at all until around the age of 2 1/2 and then suddenly bubbling up with all sorts of thoughts and opinions and an impressive vocabulary.

This week, however, Mae Bae began to blow her cover.  After limiting her vocabulary to words like "Ma!" and "Ba!" (for Daddy) she walked up to me in the kitchen and said:  "Ma, my head hurts." while pressing her little hand against her temple.  And then, while watching the Disney Channel early in the morning (oh yeah, early morning cartoons have totally helped us survive this week when everyone had the flu) she looked at me while listening to one of their little kid music videos and said:  "Little birdy come on, come on and flap your wings, flap, flap."

Um, okay.  She's really been holding out on us.

Suddenly she's saying things like:  "High five!" "Brush!" "Bubbles!" and pretty much anything else that comes to mind.  Occasionally she throws in a shockingly long sentence.  She's talking quite a bit now... At least, she is when she's not chirping like a little bird... because that's still her favorite way to communicate.

--- 3 ---

In the interest of not spreading this plague like flu (I was wrong, there were six people who visited me in the hospital... and all six are now sick...), we opted to stay home from Mass on Sunday... and yesterday...  I've missed the last three masses... and honestly don't think having communion brought is a good idea while there's any chance that this bug is still alive... because it's really that horrible.

Yesterday I felt a bit better and today is much better than that so... this looks like the tail end of whatever it was.

I'll be so glad when everyone is 100%.

--- 4 ---

Last night I made a treat that was an instant hit with the girls.  I started with a recipe (that I of course dramatically changed as I went along... that I really need to write down and share here before I forget) that involved cooking bacon, reserving the grease and then cooking chicken in the bacon grease... and then combining the chicken and bacon with ranch and milk and other ingredients and serving them over noodles (goal for the day, write out the recipe).

I saved a bit of the bacon and decided to use it to make dessert (I was attempting to copy a recipe I'd tasted at my friends wedding in September).

It was a simple process and I'll share the recipe for it here:

Bacon- cooked (1 package would work because I had a lot of chocolate sauce left over!)
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 bag semi sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup sugar

Grease a pan and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil the water in a pot on the stove.  In a bowl set in the pot combine condensed milk and sugar.  Once the milk is hot add chocolate chips and stir until the entire mixture is combined into a smooth chocolate sauce.  Remove sauce from heat.  Break the bacon in half and dip in the sauce, placing each piece on the greased pan.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Let set for 1/2 hour.  Remove from pan and place in refrigerator.  Serve cold and enjoy!

The girls devoured the chocolate bacon.  I poured the leftover chocolate into silicone moulds... I'm not sure how well it's going to keep it's shape though!

--- 5 ---

Oh bacon.  Usually I'm kind of obsessed with it.  Bacon with chocolate.  Bacon on it's own.  Bacon with onions and cheddar and garlic and cream cheese in a dip... But this pregnancy one of my top food aversions was... you guessed it... bacon.

Now this isn't an altogether bad thing because bacon is my #2 major migraine trigger.  If I eat it there's a very good chance I'm going to be slammed with a migraine.  And so the bacon aversion wasn't really a bad thing, and is likely the reason why I've had all of three migraines during this pregnancy (that and figuring out that sweetener is allergy #1, with a reaction 100% of the time).  Because when I see bacon and I'm not pregnant I think... "1 in 3 chance I won't get sick... I'll take that..." which is likely not a choice I'd make if the bacon wasn't right there, looking delicious...

Yet despite the allergy and the fact that I should avoid it, it still made me very sad when they started talking about pork prices spiking this winter on the six o' clock news sometime last month...

When I saw bacon on sale at Meijer I couldn't help but buy a few and take them home to freeze...

Especially since this particular food aversion seems to be letting up (as evidenced by last nights meal).

--- 6 ---

Today during nap time, and after bedtime (if I'm not in labor) I will be rushing around the house sewing.  This has been an eventful snood week (which is a very good thing) with orders coming in from around the world.  I'm hoping to at least finish the orders that have arrived before The Boy arrives.

I've decided not to close my shops this time around, since they've already been closed so many times this year, is our income source and, especially because November tends to be the busiest month of the year and I don't want to miss the busy season.

Now hopefully Baby #3 will like the little bassinet I have set up in my sewing room and will think that the sound of a sewing machine whirring away is comforting.

--- 7 ---

Now to go spend the day on my feet (when I'm not sewing!)!  Moving about definitely seems to move things along!  And if this is going to be a Saint Martin de Porres feast day baby, tonight would be an awesome time to go into labor!  

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I just figured out Aspartame is a migraine trigger for me too. I had been drinking way too much Diet Coke and having terrible headaches. So, I stopped cold turkey about six weeks ago. No headaches. It is great.

  2. I wonder if substituting uncured bacon (without most of those nitrites that are very bad for you anyway) would help you avoid migraines? I love bacon, but rarely bought it due to the health issues, until good-tasting uncured bacon came on the market here. It's a little more expensive, but tastes great and gives me my bacon "fix".

    I am hoping for TWO St. Martin de Porres feast day babies - your and my daughter's. It's very likely that our grandson will be born tomorrow, and highly appropriate, as his mom's work involves Catholic social justice (she is an independent contractor, writing grant applications for the Catholic Charities office in her diocese.)

    Come on, baby boy - get moving! ;)


  3. I had never been "late" either - until my third. Remember, any time up to 42 weeks is perfectly normal! Hard to wait, though.

  4. I was going to suggest nitrate free bacon as well. You could also try beef bacon. Best wishes for a safe and quick delivery!

  5. Even bigger prayers your way for a successful VBAC.

    Psalm 139 13-16:
    13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

  6. Impossible to wait, for me. Since this is a VBA2C not many doctors will even consider me. I'm thankful to find a doctor who's been as supportive as mine has, but the deal was I can try a VBAC, but they will break my water before I'm overdue, due to our history of large babies, and the failed 5 hours of pushing with my first.

    I'm really hoping I go naturally before the next five days are up.


    @ Dixie Eagle- Praying for your daughter and grandbaby!!! It would be lovely to have two little St. Martin de Porres babies arriving tomorrow!!!!

  7. Opps, forgot the rest of my post!

    You guys are right I think, on the nitrate allergy, because corn dogs and sometimes hot dogs are triggers too. I need to search out the nitrate free stuff that isn't made my oscar meyer. I always see the oscar meyer stuff, but since they're on my rather long boycott list I never get it. I need to look the next time I'm buying bacon!


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