Friday, November 9, 2012

Patrick's Arrival in Pictures!

I'm too exhausted to write up our birth story yet... but I just had to share the pictures from yesterday.

Here they are:


  1. Precious! Thank-you for sharing these :)

  2. Congratulations. You have a beautiful family.

  3. Wonderful pictures of a sweet family! Now, sleep!


  4. Lovely pictures! The first pic of Patrick, from behind the curtain, was brilliant! I really like your hospital gown, too...haha, another etsy store?!

  5. He's so chubby! What a sweetie! Congratulations to you and your family!

  6. Beautiful! Those rooms in the hospital are so spacious. I remember Susi's room seemed so small.

  7. Lovely! Congratulations! I had a C section with my first (breech, 9 lbs!) and I tried for a VBAC with number two. Same story - long, slow labor. Exhaustion. Frustration. Disappointment. Ended with a C-section anyway! Number three? Planned C-section at 39 weeks, no guilt no hesitation no regrets! Walked into the hospital with my hair done and at peace - and two hours later we had our baby! I felt great and you would not believe the difference of not having that marathon labor prior! If I have more, planned CS all the way. The difference is night and day.

  8. Deo gratias! prayers for a speedy recovery and joyful baby snuggling.

  9. Congratulations to you and your family! He's beautiful! Way to go, Mama:)

  10. Aww, he is beautiful! Congratulations to Patrick, his parents and his big sisters!!

    // Marie N.

  11. Oh, boy, is he precious!!! Way to go, mom! Congratulations. I will pray for a speedy recovery.

  12. Such a handsome little fellow!

    Congrats to you and your family.


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