Friday, October 30, 2009

The Football Fanatic

Sadie and Daddy spin around...

and around....

and around...

until they are so dizzy they can barely walk!

Touchdown! This is so much fun!!

Sadie is doing her "touchdown" signal all the time. She loves watching football on TV and we think that's where she picked it up from (because when she's sees football she does it and then collapses on the ground like she's just been tackled).

She was a little disappointed tonight, but was a good sport and kept making her touchdown sign even when there wasn't a game in sight. Nani and Grumpa were going to take Sadie into town to see what we thought was supposed to be the last home football game of the year for our local team. These days Sadie cries when bath time is over and it's time to get out of the bath, but when Nani told her that they were going to see a football game she made the touchdown sign and then held her arms up to be lifted out! On the car ride into town she made the touchdown sign the entire way there, giggling. And then they arrived at the school and it was.... dark...

It turns out the game is next week! So instead they went to Starbucks and Sadie had a vanilla milk (which she loves). Next week though, she'll hopefully get to see the Wolves face the Bears!

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